I ride south for the first time
and extend my miles to 15

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and extend my miles to 15
May 222020
 Posted by at 5:52 am

Ride to Summerland to poke around the new Rusty’s then back home just as the sun rose

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May 142020

I’ve been get­ting up very ear­ly so have been alter­nat­ing days between walk­ing over to and along the beach or going for a 40 minute bike ride. This morn­ing it was off to Sum­mer­land. Tried some­thing new this morn­ing. I put an earplug in my free­way side ear. It was very help­ful in cre­at­ing a more peace­ful ride.

 Posted by at 6:19 am

Tom’s off for AidsLifeCycle 2019, his Twelfth!!
That’s 6,500 miles if you’re counting

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That’s 6,500 miles if you’re counting
Jun 022019

First let’s watch him as he rides by on his way to Los Ange­les, 545 miles, then a few less dynam­ic images. Click on any to see a larg­er size and a cap­tion to go with.

 Posted by at 7:00 am

Early Morning Bike ride to Ventura

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Mar 272019

I got up ear­ly to ride down to break­fast at the Cajun Kitchen and remem­bered to take my cam­era so stopped along the way to take a few shots. I’m always fas­ci­nat­ed by the flare stack just south of the Rin­con and it being ear­ly took a few shots of it from far and near. The last three are pret­ty fun too, a Shas­ta trail­er won by the own­ers on the tele­vi­sion show “Let’s Make a Deal” in 1961!

As I rode by the mouth of the Ven­tu­ra Riv­er I was shocked by how much it has changed since I had seen it over many years as a peace­ful sandy lagoon with very few rocks. Click on the images below to see how things used to be then watch my short YouTube for what has hap­pened recently.

Union Pacif­ic was doing a lot of track main­te­nance and upgrad­ing as I rode by. One of the more inter­est­ing units was this track tam­per, I think quite fas­ci­nat­ing. I found the YouTube below show­ing how the machine works. Here is the descrip­tion that with the orig­i­nal YouTube: “The mech­a­nism on the front lets the rest of machine know how much a cer­tain sec­tion of track needs to be raised. Then, a claw picks up the rail and ties and spikes poke down into the bal­last, push­ing it under the track. Once the tam­per com­plet­ed its job, a bal­last reg­u­la­tor came through to smooth out the rocks.”

 Posted by at 11:16 am

Just how much pressure is 5 bar?

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May 212017

This after­noon I set out to fix my flat front tire with a new Schwalbe mod­el. I had pur­chased some Schwalbe tubes along with the tires five months ago so decid­ed to use one of those today.

Get­ting the tire and tube on the rim was a chal­lenge so after inflat­ing the com­plet­ed assem­bly to 85psi I decid­ed to check it under water to be sure I had­n’t cut the tube. All was going swim­ming­ly, I was almost com­plete­ly 360 degrees around the check when BANG! (see image one below)

It was quite a LOUD shock. Image one below shows the new tube and tire post water check. Back track­ing through the tube box I found (and then read) a small brochure that empha­sized the tubes upper lim­it of 5 bar. Turns out 5 bar is 72psi. I’ve nev­er expect­ed a tube to be so lim­it­ing. Oh well. Back to a stan­dard REI 700cx28 tube. 

Here is the tube tire com­bo after the BIG BANG.
I’m think­ing I don’t have a large enough patch on hand

 Posted by at 7:01 pm

Beautiful bike ride in the Mile High City

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May 122017

A beau­ti­ful 18 mile R.T. ride along the SPRT — The South Platt Riv­er Trail then up the Cher­ry Creek Trail to down­town Den­ver and lunch at Den­ver Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege from Eric’s favorite lunch truck. A spec­tac­u­lar 75 degree day in the mile high city.

Tough, post chick­en wrap, dessert dilem­ma; bakla­va or my favorite ener­gy bar?

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Sep 192016

Today I com­plet­ed my goal of rid­ing 100,000 miles on my var­i­ous bicy­cles since I resumed rid­ing as an adult in May of 1972. So many won­der­ful mem­o­ries of com­pan­ions, places vis­it­ed or passed thru, and chal­lenges imag­ined, for­mu­lat­ed, and accom­plished. Thanks to all of you who rode along for any of these miles. What a won­der­ful 44 year saga.

Click on any of the images to see a larg­er ver­sion of same.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm

Nice ride with Tom and his riding
buddies Florence and Kathy

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buddies Florence and Kathy
Sep 112016

A very nice ride today that Tom struc­tured with me and his two rid­ing bud­dies Flo­rence and Kathy. All three of these folks usu­al­ly ride 1.5 times my nor­mal veloc­i­ty but today they were con­tent to cruise to the Ven­tu­ra Beach Pro­manade which gave me time to chat it up with them, fun. We split up short­ly after the Prom­e­nade as Kathy and Flo­rence elect­ed to ride back to Carpin­te­ria via the Lake Casitas loop while Tom and I rode back to Stack­ys in Sum­mer­land for a wrap each and a nice vis­it. After my wrap I rode on with Tom to the Bilt­more before turn­ing around and head­ing home so I could sur­pass 50 miles for the day.

Thanks to all for a won­der­ful out­ing. As usu­al click on any image below to see an enlarge­ment and start a slideshow from that point.

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

Tom rides AidsLifecycle 2016

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Jun 112016

I was again a sup­port per­son for Tom for his 545 mile, sev­en day bicy­cle ride from San Fran­cis­co to Los Ange­les. Here are some shots from the week

A gallery for Sun­day, day one

And day 5, Lom­poc to San­ta Maria — Red Dress Day. Car­ol Pre­ston and I drove up to see the fes­tiv­i­ties and find Tom

And day 6 in San­ta Bar­bara as Tom came by

 Posted by at 3:02 pm

Be careful when exploring a new tunnel

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Mar 152016

I rode down to Ven­tu­ra for lunch then, on the way home, decid­ed to take the time to explore an old tun­nel cross­ing under the free­way. The tun­nel is about a mile and a half south of Mus­sel Shoals, near the south­ern ter­mi­na­tion of the new bike­way. As you can see from the images the tun­nel cross­ing was not what I expect­ed. Click on any image for a larg­er ver­sion com­plete with commentary.

 Posted by at 2:04 pm