Nov 062010

2010-11-06 Eric runs the Santa Barbara Marathon

My won­der­ful nephew flew out from Den­ver yes­ter­day for a vis­it and to run in today’s San­ta Bar­bara Marathon. Tom and I sup­plied the ride to the start then caught Eric every four or five miles along the route to pass him his ener­gy drinks (images one and two above).

At mile 21 Phyl­lis, Car­ol, and Vir­ginia were on hand to cheer him on and, for Phyl­lis, a quick hug and birth­day wish from the marathon­er (image three above). Ralph was also on hand cheer­ing him home at the finish.

Click on one of the above images to view more images and some videos of the day. The videos are large so may take awhile to load and run. If the videos are not run­ning smooth­ly but are stop­ping and restart­ing the best thing to do is to ignore the show until it jig­gles its way back to this screen then restart it by click­ing on the above images which should allow smooth view­ing on the sec­ond run through.

 Posted by at 7:00 am