Nov 162010

Car­ol Preston, Nan­cy Palmer, and Ashe ven­tured south to the big city to see the “So You Think You Can Dance” trav­el­ing dance cir­cus at the Sta­ples Cen­ter. Car­ol had a lead from a friend to dine before­hand at Clifton’s Cafe­te­ria on Broad­way. I have been there many times, most of my vis­its occur­ring over a half cen­tu­ry ago. It was quite the mag­i­cal place then (the shot in the upper right could have been tak­en at the table next to ours):

2010-11-16 Clifton's back in the day

Some of the con­tem­po­rary din­ers; turkey on the left, beef to the right

2010-11-16 Dining at Clifton's Cafeteria before the show

and a shot of the P’s and a C with a P in front of the log cab­in area with­in all the oth­er fun water­falls, cave like struc­tures, etc.

2010-11-16 Dining at Clifton's Cafeteria before the show

Then it was on to Sta­ples Cen­ter for the won­der­ful show. It worked out to per­fec­tion that the three of us were there as Car­ol and Nan­cy are huge fans, knew all the play­ers, i.e. dancers, and could enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly ping pong their excite­ment back and forth for the entire evening. I had a great time too, inter­lop­er or no

2010-11-16 So You Think You Can Dance at Staple's Center

And the whole Sta­ples Cen­ter neigh­bor­hood, whoa Nel­ly! Its an excit­ing and throb­bing BIG City ener­gy source. It was worth the trip and price of admis­sion just to walk around in it.

To top off a great night in L.A. what bet­ter than to charge down the matrix of free­ways, favorite tunes blast­ing, miles of bright red tail lights lead­ing us forward.

 Posted by at 7:30 pm