October Full Moon Event

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Oct 102011

Mar­ilee put out the call and she, Car­ol, Steve, and Ashe arrived for anoth­er Shore­line Park potluck, chat, moonrise/sunset and gen­er­al fun evening. High­light: Car­ol brought some yum­my D’An­gelo’s wal­nut bread along with cream cheese and her own pump­kin but­ter.  Tom, an acquain­tance of Ashe’s, first rode by on his bicy­cle then lat­er strolled by with his ukelele and stopped to ser­e­nade us.

Thanks to Mar­ilee for again being the FME coor­di­na­tor.  Click on the mon­tage for a larg­er ver­sion that includes our strolling minstrel.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm