Kate Wolf Music Festival with The Allens

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Jun 302019

Sat­ur­day morn­ing sit­ting in our camp look­ing over to the Revival Tent stage and the Love Choir.


 Posted by at 10:00 pm

Tom’s off for AidsLifeCycle 2019, his Twelfth!!
That’s 6,500 miles if you’re counting

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That’s 6,500 miles if you’re counting
Jun 022019

First let’s watch him as he rides by on his way to Los Ange­les, 545 miles, then a few less dynam­ic images. Click on any to see a larg­er size and a cap­tion to go with.

 Posted by at 7:00 am

Jalama Beach for Jalama Burgers (What Else?)

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May 102019

I took the #20 bus into Sum­mer­land this morn­ing and then walked up almost to Car­la’s. It had start­ed to rain so she picked me up and saved me a last quar­ter mile in the drizzle.

Off we went to Jala­ma Beach for a deli­cious Jala­ma Burg­er, a beau­ti­ful dri­ve there and back, and a nice walk on the beach. An inter­est­ing part of my day was leav­ing my read­ing glass­es at home. With my new (cataract removed) eyes it was no prob­lem for the eight hours I was away but I could­n’t use my cell phone or read oth­er small type. A bless­ing in dis­guise in ret­ro­spect and a very nice get away/outing. Thanks Carla.

You can see the Jala­ma Store above their insert­ed sign along with Car­la and her
white sleeves way up the beach (click for a nice enlarge­ment then
use the back arrow to return here)

And a few more images from the day:

 Posted by at 2:30 pm

Joshua Tree with Carol Bornstein

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Apr 292016

Car­ol and I got an Airbnb place in Sun­fair near the Nation­al Park and had two won­der­ful days of hik­ing and pok­ing around with­in the park. Two gal­leries below. Shots with peo­ple,  shots of plants and the ter­rain. Peo­ple first

Now sans people

 Posted by at 5:05 pm

Ashe drives Tom to San Francisco to start his AidsLifeCycle 2015 bike journey

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May 302015

Up ear­ly this morn­ing, pick up Tom and all his stuff, then head for the Cow Palace in San Fran­cis­co. Click on any of the images for a larg­er ver­sion com­plete with description.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm

Fun visit to the Calico Ghost Town

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Aug 142011

I had not been to Cal­i­co for decades so when I real­ized how close it was to Barstow I decid­ed to spend the first night of my trip to Col­orado in Barstow and dri­ve out to Cal­i­co in the morn­ing. I found it a very inter­est­ing place and cer­tain­ly worth a vis­it. Click on the image above to see more of mine.

 Posted by at 9:30 am

A “new” Yakima rack for my trip to Colorado

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Aug 122011

Boy did I luck out with this item!
I was con­tem­plat­ing buy­ing one when I rode by a neigh­bor’s yard sale on my bicy­cle last Sun­day and saw them sell­ing this one. I procrastinated/thought about it all week then decid­ed today, the day before my trip, to buy it if the neigh­bors were still sell­ing it. Luck­i­ly for me they were so here I am mount­ing it on the Vol­vo for it’s maid­en voy­age.
It worked out great. I put all my camp­ing items with­ing it and that way had clear and easy access to such when I was camp­ing and did not have to dig through any of the camp­ing stuff when I was not camp­ing, cool!

 Posted by at 3:30 pm
Jul 062011

I left the Allens this morn­ing around nine and head­ed north on Inter­state 5 then east on Wash­ing­ton high­way 20 to and through North Cas­cades Nation­al Park. The weath­er was sun­ny and clear and in the 80’s and the scenery won­der­ful. A bill­board near the entrance to the park described this area as the “Amer­i­can Alps”. Hav­ing dri­ven through it I can none but agree.

After leav­ing the park and pass­ing east of the cas­cades I drove for sev­er­al hours along­side the mighty Colum­bia Riv­er, what a treat. Decades ago on a bicy­cle adven­ture I sought out the source of the Colum­bia in Cana­da and camped overnight there.

Tonight I am holed up in Ellens­burg, Wash­ing­ton, the home of Cen­tral Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty. It was grant­ed the site of CWU in 1891 as a con­so­la­tion prize when Ellens­burg lost out to Olympia as Wash­ing­ton’s cap­i­tal. The his­toric part of the city is high­ly tout­ed so I shall be check­ing on such in the morning.

 Posted by at 10:04 pm