Dec 232010

2010-12-23 Tom and Ashe ride to the local beaches
Tom and Ashe went for an inter­est­ing and fun ride this after­noon. First leav­ing Ashe’s house we rode down to the har­bor, where Ashe real­ized that the bag con­tain­ing his wal­let, cell phone, house key, etc. was miss­ing (staged pho­to on left of the hor­ri­fied dis­cov­er­er). We back­tracked to Ashe’s look­ing all along the way for the miss­ing bag, find­ing at arrival that Ashe had left it on the kitchen counter, whew!

On the sec­ond leav­ing of Ashe’s we rode down to Hendry’s (actu­al loca­tion of the left pho­to) for a nice vis­it and enjoy­ing of the day, through Hope Ranch, and on out the bike way for our third con­tact with the coast at Gole­ta Beach. There it was pho­to ops and more fun and vis­it­ing on the pier before return­ing home (a nice pho­to of the two of us above, an inter­est­ing one for Tom’s Dream­work’s audi­tion below).

It being the sec­ond day of Win­ter here’s a chilly mon­tage for the sea­son, burrr!

 Posted by at 4:22 pm
Dec 222010

[slide­press gallery=‘2010–12-22-beautiful-afternoon-bike-ride-with-a-rainbow’]

With the after­noon clear­ing of the storm I jumped on my bicy­cle and rode down and around the har­bor, bird refuge, Bilt­more, and Mon­tecito envi­rons to enjoy the oppor­tu­ni­ty presented.

I arrived at the har­bor to notice a spec­tac­u­lar rain­bow off to the east. Rid­ing along the beach bike­way one won­der­ful view after anoth­er lured me to stop and pull out my cell phone for a pic­ture while the rain­bow sus­tained and con­stant­ly broad­ened its arc dur­ing my ride toward Sum­mer­land Hill.

Return­ing I was stopped by a freight train near the Bilt­more, always a treat for a train fanat­ic. Back along the beach bike­way I took the shots of the two beached sail­boats, blown off their moor­ings by the just com­plet­ed storm.

While I was rid­ing thru the back lanes of  Mon­tecito I rode over four creeks. Nor­mal­ly dry, they were all  flow­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly today so when I was close to home and cross­ing over Mis­sion Creek I took the last video in my lit­tle show above.
(For a larg­er show in your brows­er or on your iDe­vice click any­where with­in this sen­tence).

 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Dec 202010

I was dri­ving home, pass­ing Oak Park when I noticed a tree just fall­en into the park­ing lot. Alas, many cars were in the lot parked there by employ­ees of the retire­ment home just across the street, e.g. the woman in the left pho­to stand­ing in front of her pickup.

Most of the vehi­cles seemed to have not received much dam­age, the one in the right image being the most dra­mat­ic excep­tion. Too bad for the prop­er­ty but also for the tree. There are only so many of these huge, beau­ti­ful trees and now its (x — 1).

[slide­press gallery=‘2010–12-20-fallen-tree-in-oak-park’]

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

The NCAA Men’s Soccer Championship
right here in Santa Barbara

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right here in Santa Barbara
Dec 122010

2010-12-12 NCAA Men's Div I Championship I had known that the cham­pi­onship men’s match­es for divi­sion one schools was to take place in San­ta Bar­bara but had not paid close atten­tion to the exact dates so missed the semi-finals.

Lucky for me an acquain­tance at Sat­ur­day’s UCSB wom­en’s bas­ket­ball game had attend­ed the semi-finals and men­tioned that the finals were today so I was able to dri­ve out and get the tick­et you see to your left and watch the Uni­ver­si­ty of Akron “Zips” and the Louisville “Car­di­nals” in a fan­tas­tic soc­cer match.

It was score­less for 2/3 of the match with the Zips con­stant­ly attack­ing the Louisville goal when final­ly one effort paid off and they scored the only point of the match.

The final two min­utes were the most excit­ing of the match with Louisville ham­mer­ing the Akron goal con­tin­u­al­ly but with­out result.

On my way home I stopped for gas. Going in to pay I notice two col­lege age stu­dents in front of me wear­ing Akron t‑shirts with the logo “Death by a Thou­sand Pass­es”.  I had seen many of these at the match and real­ized as the match wore on why the slo­gan so fit the team. Also inter­est­ing was to observe the stu­dents walk back to a large rental van hold­ing sev­er­al of their peers and head home to Akron.

2010-12-12 Akron defeats Louisville for the NCAA Championship

 Posted by at 1:00 pm
Dec 122010

2010-12-12 Tom and Ashe ride to Carp then back with the Big Dogs
Tom and I biked from his place on a won­der­ful, clear morn­ing. We decid­ed to head up to Moun­tain Dri­ve, along moun­tain, through Mon­tecito, and into Carp.

Our out­ing seemed to be run­ning true to norm until we start­ed home from Carpin­te­ria, turn­ing left on the south­ern access to Padero Lane and cross­ing under the free­way. There we dis­cov­ered scads of police cars and police motor­cy­cles. Ask­ing a ques­tion or two we found that this was all sup­port and prepa­ra­tion for the “toy run”. After a moment or two of scratch­ing our heads won­der­ing what that could mean here came hun­dreds of motor­cy­cles up San­ta Claus Lane toward us. We stopped, grabbed our cam­eras, and start­ed shoot­ing and wav­ing to all the riders.

We rode up Padero Lane to its end near Sum­mer­land then crossed over the free­way and rode along­side the moto cir­cus the mile or so into Sum­mer­land (as seen below). We con­tin­ued our reg­u­lar route, i.e. over the Sum­mer­land hill bike lane, by the Bilt­more, the bird refuge, and along Cabril­lo to State arriv­ing there pri­or to the car­a­van. So we road up to De la Guer­ra and stopped for anoth­er pho­to shoot. What a fun out­ing and day!

Riding into Summerland with the Big Dogs

Rid­ing into Sum­mer­land with the Big Dogs

 Posted by at 8:30 am
Dec 102010

2010-12-10 Ian and Ashe ride up Oso Canyon
Leav­ing Ian’s we rode over San Mar­cos Pass, out Par­adise Road, then up the Oso Canyon dirt road. Sev­er­al sec­tions along the road were a big chal­lenge for me on the V‑Strom due to the steep­ness of some hills as well as sec­tions that were a mud­dy clay from the recent rain and there­fore very slip­pery. Ian gen­er­ous­ly rode my V‑Strom up my most chal­leng­ing of these slip­pery hills, spray­ing me with chunks of mud as the rear tire spun for trac­tion and off he went, kind of fun actually.

We went in five or so miles with me enjoy­ing the chal­lenge and scenery but con­cerned the entire time on the com­ing out part, i.e. going down the steep and slick mud­dy sec­tions we’d gone up. Anon, when we turned around Ian offered to ride the V‑Strom back out to the pave­ment while I rode his Suzu­ki  DR-650 sin­gle. What a gift, thank you Ian!

The dif­fer­ence between the bikes is night and day on the chal­leng­ing dirt sec­tions. On Ian’s DR you sim­ply point the bike where you’d like it to go and it does exact­ly that. The V‑Strom is much more mas­sive and just not intend­ed to be a per­former in the sit­u­a­tions we were encoun­ter­ing. In the slick/clay/muddy stuff it starts to squir­rel around and the next thing you know you’re almost side­ways. This would be a total kick IF it was as easy to pick up as a bicycle.

Today was my first day fool­ing around with my new moto/camera mount on the V‑Strom so I took scads of videos, e.g. I videoed our entire ride from my house to the San­ta Ynez Riv­er. So be fore­warned, click­ing on the above mon­tage of us could be anal­o­gous to watch­ing The Ten Com­mand­ments in 10 short snip­pets. The good news is you have com­plete con­trol, you can fast for­ward and watch just enough of us to skirt the edge of boredom.

On our way out I sug­gest­ed we cross back and forth over the riv­er a few times so I could cap­ture videos, both fol­low­ing Ian across the riv­er as well as ones where we’d start on oppo­site sides and pass each oth­er in the mid­dle. Great idea Mr. DeMille but there’s just one slight prob­lem: the cam­er­a’s 4GB mem­o­ry was com­plete­ly filled before we even start­ed all the back and forth busi­ness (hind sight observation).

To cap off our futile film­ing of our­selves, our last cross­ing entailed Ian com­ing toward me from the far side of the riv­er while I rode toward him attempt­ing to direct him with one arm while han­dling the V‑Strom with the oth­er. Alas, I some­how turned too quick­ly or spiked the throt­tle just after we passed each oth­er and I went down right in the mid­dle of the cross­ing; splash, bonk, etc., etc. Ian was quick to help me up with the V‑Strom and after a lit­tle regroup­ing we start­ed for home.

All the way home I was think­ing that the cam­era had been record­ing all our fool­ish­ness so when I arrived home and got set­tled I quick­ly down­loaded all the data from the cam­era then clicked open the last movie expect­ing the fun per­spec­tive of me pass­ing Ian then going hor­i­zon­tal. Of course the actu­al last movie was before all the criss­cross­ing of the riv­er had even commenced 🙂

 Posted by at 3:15 pm
Dec 092010

Coal Oil Point Montage
I rode out near Cost­co for lunch today. After eat­ing and a dip into Cost­co for a sin­gle item I rode down to Coal Oil Point to enjoy the day. The left image above is the cross at Coal Oil Point and the sec­ond from left is a view west along the coast over­look­ing the Snowy Plover Preserve.

The two images on the right are an inter­est­ing glitch to the day. Return­ing along­side the Dever­oux Slough I decid­ed to ride the dirt trails sur­round­ing the north and west of the slough and on over to locate the monarch but­ter­flies. Alas, as I start­ed down the path shown in image three a stick kicked up and rammed my speedome­ter sen­sor into the brake. In all the years I’ve cycled I’ve nev­er had such an occur­rence. Image four is the Ram­bouil­let on its back allow­ing me to fid­dle around and fix the problem.

After the repair it was back on track to find the but­ter­flies. Click­ing on the play but­ton below will give you a nice idea about the won­der­ment of the day. All this made pos­si­ble by hav­ing a cell phone along, yeah 2010.

[slide­press gallery=‘bicycle-ride-to-coal-oil-point-and-the-butterflys’]

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Dec 042010

A ride to Carp with Jeff and Tom

Friend Jeff came south to San­ta Bar­bara for a vis­it so Tom, he, and I got togeth­er for a morn­ing bike ride to Carpin­te­ria, just like we used to do most Sat­ur­days “back in the day”, i.e. when “the man” lived among us.

The left shot is in front of Star­bucks in Carpin­te­ria where we stopped for three Star­Muffins and a nice long vis­it. The right shot is with­in the great bike store along the 1200 block of State that has loads of bikes, frames, and parts, from “back in the day”. Ashe is point­ing to a poster of “Il Cam­pi­onis­si­mo” (cham­pi­on of cham­pi­ons), Faus­to Cop­pi, with a beau­ti­ful 1974 Cop­pi bike just in front of the poster.

 Posted by at 8:30 am
Dec 012010

I have always been inter­est­ed in the great books and have read many of them, but Ulysses has always remained in my mind as the most chal­leng­ing so I had not attempt­ed read­ing it. I decid­ed to give it a try and obtained a copy of the left pic­tured edi­tion from the Cam­bria Library on Octo­ber 20th. Last night I fin­ished it. I had no idea how humor­ous, inter­est­ing, and approach­able it would be.

Here are quotes from the Wikipedia entry for the novel:

Ulysses’ stream-of-con­scious­ness tech­nique, care­ful struc­tur­ing, and exper­i­men­tal prose—full of puns, par­o­dies, and allu­sions, as well as its rich char­ac­ter­i­sa­tions and broad humour, made the book a high­ly regard­ed nov­el in the Mod­ernist pan­theon. In 1999, the Mod­ern Library ranked Ulysses first on its list of the 100 best Eng­lish-lan­guage nov­els of the 20th century.”

Episode 17, Ithaca
The episode is writ­ten in the form of a rigid­ly orga­nized cat­e­chism, and was report­ed­ly Joyce’s favourite episode in the nov­el. The style is that of a sci­en­tif­ic inquiry, with ques­tions fur­ther­ing the nar­ra­tive. The deep descrip­tions range from ques­tions of astron­o­my to the tra­jec­to­ry of urination.”

The tech­nique he used in chap­ter 17 is cer­tain­ly a favorite of mine. Here is one fun section:

What rela­tion exist­ed between their ages?

16 years before in 1888 when Bloom was of Stephen’s present age Stephen was 6. 16 years after in 1920 when Stephen would be of Bloom’s present age Bloom would be 54. In 1936 when Bloom would be 70 and Stephen 54 their ages ini­tial­ly in the ratio of 16 to 0 would be as 17 1/2 to 13 1/2, the pro­por­tion increas­ing and the dis­par­i­ty dimin­ish­ing accord­ing as arbi­trary future years were added, for if the pro­por­tion exist­ing in 1883 had con­tin­ued immutable, con­ceiv­ing that to be pos­si­ble, till then 1904 when Stephen was 22 Bloom would be 374 and in 1920 when Stephen would be 38, as Bloom then was, Bloom would be 646 while in 1952 when Stephen would have attained the max­i­mum post­dilu­vian age of 70 Bloom, being 1190 years alive hav­ing been born in the year 714, would have sur­passed by 221 years the max­i­mum ante­dilu­vian age, that of Methusalah, 969 years, while, if Stephen would con­tin­ue to live until he would attain that age in the year 3072 A.D., Bloom would have been oblig­ed to have been alive 83,300 years, hav­ing been oblig­ed to have been born in the year 81,396 B.C.

What events might nul­li­fy these calculations?

The ces­sa­tion of exis­tence of both or either, the inau­gu­ra­tion of a new era or cal­en­dar, the anni­hi­la­tion of the world and con­se­quent exter­mi­na­tion of the human species, inevitable but impredictable.”

I would love to take a class on the nov­el and reread it there­in.
Too fun and inter­est­ing — give it a try if you are at all curious.

 Posted by at 9:21 pm