Jan 312014

Through yes­ter­day I had accu­mu­lat­ed 421 miles for the month of Jan­u­ary, my sec­ond high­est num­ber of miles in any Jan­u­ary after the 478 miles in 2003. Today I was going to dri­ve down to Los Ange­les to vis­it friend Car­ol so was set­tled on 421 for the month. But ANON! Car­ol was not feel­ing chip­per so asked that I come down Sat­ur­day instead. What to do with my now “free day”. Bin­go, I’ll ride 60 miles and set a new per­son­al high for Jan­u­ary. So off I ped­al to San­ta Bar­bara for some banana/wheatgerm pan­cakes at the East Beach Grill where I decide that rid­ing down to Ven­tu­ra for lunch and then home would accu­mu­late the miles I sought. It was a nice 60 miles with lots of won­der­ful views, inter­ac­tions, and contemplations.

Note: I con­tin­ue hav­ing a prob­lem with my new slideshow tech­nique. The orig­i­nal slideshow lays on top of my new one. So for now please click any­where out­side the ini­tial image pre­sent­ed to remove the old ver­sion and allow my new one to get cen­ter stage, thanks.

 Posted by at 2:25 pm
Jan 242014

I’ve been get­ting a lit­tle bored rid­ing the same old routes from home so today drove the bike down to Ven­tu­ra to ride the nice Ojai Val­ley Bike Trail into and through Ojai two miles for a great lunch at Boc­cal­i’s. Return­ing to Main Street I rode on down to the won­der­ful Ven­tu­ra ocean prom­e­nade where I joined a large crowd watch­ing the expert surfers in the high, 12–15 foot, waves before return­ing to the Vol­vo after a nice 37 mile out­ing. Click on any of these thumb­nails to view large images (com­plete with mean­ing­ful comments).

I am cur­rent­ly hav­ing a prob­lem with my new slideshow tech­nique. The orig­i­nal slideshow lays on top of my new one. So for now please click any­where out­side the ini­tial image pre­sented to remove the old ver­sion and allow my new one to get cen­ter stage, thanks.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm

A wonderful walk on the Sedgewick Reserve

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Jan 112014

Friend Car­la invit­ed me to join her on the month­ly pub­lic hike on the Sedgewick Reserve. We were all set to leave with the mod­er­ate lev­el hike group when the leader heav­i­ly cau­tioned any of is with­out lugged soles to not come on his route. So we moved over to the easy group and had a very inter­est­ing expe­ri­ence. A very nice feel­ing of being way into the coun­try and curi­ous insight into how oth­ers lived and grew up.

 Posted by at 11:35 am