Jul 312011

A mon­tage of my won­der­ful bicy­cling and birth­day month. Start­ing in the upper left: Olympia, Washin­gon — Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton (a nice day of rid­ing with Scott) — Bend, Ore­gon and envi­rons — Chico, Cal­i­for­nia and near­by grain ele­va­tor — some around the world cycle tourists Quan and I met and vis­it­ed with as they passed through San­ta Bar­bara — Tom and I on one of our Sun­day morn­ing rides, my bike along the Rin­con — a stop at Lane Farms for Straw­ber­ries — cool Bud­da in Sum­mer­land — a stop at the end of wharf — Stack­y’s for a Fies­ta wrap (a reg­u­lar lunch des­ti­na­tion) — at the “end” of Gole­ta stop­ping for a recent­ly pur­chased Star­buck­’s reduced fat turkey McSand­wich and O.J. (A larg­er mon­tage can be viewed by click­ing on the one above)

 Posted by at 11:59 pm
Jul 262011

I rode down to the East Beach Grill and met Car­ol C. for pan­cakes, hers with blue­ber­ries inside, mine with bananas. We brought along our own Trad­er Joe’s dark real maple syrup to com­ple­ment the yum­my ‘cakes. We were hav­ing such a good time no record­ed images of the event were tak­en. After break­fast I rode down through Carpin­te­ria and along the beau­ti­ful Rin­con Park­way, decid­ing to turn around after 27 miles right here at a nice surf­ing spot.

Sev­er­al of the folks camp­ing along the Park­way have cre­at­ed some very fun rock sculptures.

On the way home I picked up some water to mix with my pow­dered Gatorade at the nice foun­tain adjoin­ing the Rin­con fire sta­tion (left), stopped for an inter­est­ing shot of an oil pump­jack (I just learned this word from WikiPedia), then encoun­tered a slight block­ing of the bike path 1/2 mile fur­ther along.

Back up the rise from Bates Road to the Hwy. 150 over­pass I’m all set to cruise back thru Carpin­te­ria and on to Sum­mer­land for a deli­cious turkey burg­er at Stack­ys. (I wish I could keep remem­ber­ing to keep my fin­gers away from the iPhone’s lens, note fin­ger in upper left cor­ner of image).

A final stop at Tom’s office for a nice leisure­ly vis­it and it was home and into the cap­sule to pre­pare this entry. A won­der­ful post birth­day day.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Jul 242011

Alis­tair Greene was play­ing from four to sev­en at Whiskey Richards on State Street so since it was my last day at 66 Car­ol came along to enjoy (and with­stand) the LOUD Blues and R&R for two hours! It was mid­way through all the fun and her doing lots of danc­ing that we ven­tured into the Whiskey Richards pho­to booth for these shots. (Do you think any places oth­er than bars still have these?)

After the sec­ond break for the band we walked up State and had a nice din­ner at the very British fish and chips place. A very fun pre-birth­day outing.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm
Jul 062011

I left the Allens this morn­ing around nine and head­ed north on Inter­state 5 then east on Wash­ing­ton high­way 20 to and through North Cas­cades Nation­al Park. The weath­er was sun­ny and clear and in the 80’s and the scenery won­der­ful. A bill­board near the entrance to the park described this area as the “Amer­i­can Alps”. Hav­ing dri­ven through it I can none but agree.

After leav­ing the park and pass­ing east of the cas­cades I drove for sev­er­al hours along­side the mighty Colum­bia Riv­er, what a treat. Decades ago on a bicy­cle adven­ture I sought out the source of the Colum­bia in Cana­da and camped overnight there.

Tonight I am holed up in Ellens­burg, Wash­ing­ton, the home of Cen­tral Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty. It was grant­ed the site of CWU in 1891 as a con­so­la­tion prize when Ellens­burg lost out to Olympia as Wash­ing­ton’s cap­i­tal. The his­toric part of the city is high­ly tout­ed so I shall be check­ing on such in the morning.

 Posted by at 10:04 pm
Jul 052011

Scott and I went on a spec­tac­u­lar 48 mile 5th of July bike ride today, most­ly skirt­ing around the shore of Lake Wash­ing­ton but also through UDUB, very fun. Temps in the 80’s, just like SoCal 🙂

I start gen­er­al­ly south tomor­row for Sat­ur­day in Sacra­men­to to see and cheer on Ralph at his foot race there. But first a north­ern jag up to North Cas­cades Nation­al Park (get­ting with­in about 15 miles of Cana­da) then maybe over to the Grand Coulee Dam before actu­al­ly start­ing the move SOUTH.

We rode by an inter­est­ing amphibi­ous plane lot/launching area.

The bike trail had a cou­ple of detours along the route. Here’s Scott com­ing down one with the very nice bike trough beside the stairs.

Scott and I with a very inter­est­ing sculp­ture along the way.

And at the point of need­ing to turn around after we had pressed our luck head­ing a cou­ple of miles down the signed as closed path.

 Posted by at 7:32 pm
Jul 022011

I awoke in Olympia, Wash­ing­ton and after the motel’s break­fast rode down to explore the area around the state cap­i­tal build­ing that I had noticed when arriv­ing last night. The upper left image is the view over to the Olympic Peninsula.

Sev­er­al shots of parts of the Cap­i­tal and some near­by sculptures.

 Posted by at 10:25 pm