May 132010

I flew off to Den­ver on the 13th. Eric and the boys (Hen­ry 8 and Eliot 6) picked me up at the air­port. Ker­ri flew home on Fri­day evening from a trip to Boston and we all had a nice 5 days.

Fri­day Eric and I drove north to Boul­der and had a great lunch at Lucile’s fol­lowed by a four mile hike in the near­by Flatirons.  Sat­ur­day Hen­ry, Eric and I went to a near­by skate­board park where Hen­ry honed his skills.  After­ward we three hiked to the top of the Cas­tle Rock. That evening Ker­ri, Eric, and I went to a won­der­ful Ital­ian restau­rant in Cas­tle Rock where we shared and much enjoyed 3 hors d’oeu­vres, three main cours­es, two desserts, and a bot­tle and a half of wine, YUM. Sun­day was more time at the skate­board park and gen­er­al­ly hang­ing out.

Mon­day Eric and I drove south to explore the Air Force Acad­e­my cam­pus then on to “Gar­den of the Gods” for a short hike. My last morn­ing on Tues­day I got to wit­ness Rex, Hen­ry’s pet king snake, con­sume two small frozen mice.  A lit­tle lat­er Eliot, Eric, and I (all sec­ond sons) went out for a nice, mouse­less, break­fast and chat before we dropped “El” at school, drove up to Boul­der, then off to the air­port where I got my plane ride home.

Click on this line for more images of my trip

 Posted by at 6:30 pm

Wonderful Argentine Movie

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May 112010

This year’s Acad­e­my Award win­ner for Best For­eign Lan­guage Film is now
in San­ta Bar­bara. Car­ol Born­stein and I saw it last evening and both of us found it very
worth the view­ing. Click on the image to read more.

Ricar­do Darín, Soledad Vil­lamil, and Guiller­mo Francella

 Posted by at 7:45 pm
May 102010

I was cruis­ing along on my bicy­cle head­ing south down one-way Castil­lo Street and was approach­ing Islay (no stop sign for me) when a HUGE, i.e. nor­mal sized, trash truck came into my view slow­ing for a quick right hand turn direct­ly in front of me.

A lit­tle visu­al com­plete with arrows and comments 

I was about 100 feet from the truck and, being in defen­sive rid­er mode, noticed that my bike and I were total­ly behind the dri­ver’s large left mirror.

I tried swerv­ing a bit to get vis­i­ble but I was, of course, clos­ing dis­tance to the truck and con­tin­ued to be obstruct­ed by the large mir­ror. So I slowed as he rolled on through the stop sign, turned right,  and accel­er­at­ed  on down Castillo.
I eas­i­ly swerved behind the turn­ing truck and kept on down Castil­lo too!

I am very glad I real­ized what was devel­op­ing as I’m sure if I had­n’t I would have rid­den into the turn­ing truck or, worse yet, been run into by it.

 Posted by at 12:40 pm

Very FUN movie for Pride and Prejudice fans

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May 082010

Car­ol Pre­ston and I watched a most won­der­ful spin on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prej­u­dice, “Lost in Austen”, a 2008 BBC mini-series. In it a 2008 25 year old Lon­don woman and pas­sion­ate P & P read­er steps through a yet undis­cov­ered door in her show­er and straight into the home of the Ben­nets in 1800. Too Fun! Like Austen? Watch this!

Fore­ground 2008 — Back­ground 1800

 Posted by at 8:00 pm
May 052010

Car­ol brought over all the veg­ees, neigh­bor Jill pro­vid­ed some
mar­i­nat­ed shrooms, and Ashe added the Mahi-Mahi.

Ashe sneak­ing up on the grill to check on things while Car­ol awaits with our movie. Low­er left: our fin­ished meal all ready to take off the grill.

After our yum­my din­ner we watched “An Education”.

 Posted by at 6:40 pm