Oct 262011

Car­ol and I drove up to June Lake on Sun­day and spent three nights and two full days explor­ing some of the East­ern Sier­ra, par­tic­u­lar­ly look­ing for areas with fall col­or.  On the way up we stopped for a hike at Lava Falls and a vis­it to the Nation­al Park Ser­vice’s won­der­ful par­tial­ly rebuilt Man­za­nar site and museum.

Mon­day morn­ing some oth­er vis­i­tors sug­gest­ed High­way 120 as a good spot for col­or so we explored along the June Lake Loop then up 120 into Yosemite; lunch­ing, hik­ing, and pok­ing around in Tuolumne Mead­ows.  Mon­day’s din­ner was at the spec­tac­u­lar Con­vict Lake Restau­rant, YUM. What an end to day one.

Tues­day I went for a won­der­ful morn­ing hike up to the water­fall over­look­ing our Dou­ble Eagle Inn then we drove over to the Mam­moth Lakes area for an after­noon of dis­cov­ery in new ter­ri­to­ry for both of us.

Wednes­day we drove away from June Lake and stopped for break­fast at Toms Place before descend­ing to Bish­op and head­ing south on 395.   We stopped at Olacha for a pho­to op, Red Rock Canyon for a short hike, and the Lan­cast­er In-N-Out for lunch.

We had a great time and passed through and vis­it­ed much spec­tac­u­lar coun­try.  Click on the above mon­tage to see a slide show con­tain­ing images and more details of our outing.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Oct 212011

Jill had two more tour­ing cyclists drop by for a “Warm Show­er” the last two nights (click here for info on WarmShow­ers). These fel­lows were from Aus­tralia. Pic­tured above is Hank as he was get­ting set to leave this morning.

The oth­er bloke was already gone, off to Star­bucks then on to the skate­board park down by the wharf. He’s car­ried a skate­board with him for their entire adven­ture. They flew into Van­cou­ver and bought their bikes there. Their route was through east­ern Wash­ing­ton to the Colum­bia, along the Colum­bia, through the Gorge into Port­land, on to see the Colum­bia ter­mi­nate into the Pacif­ic, then down the coast all the way to San­ta Bar­bara. When they arrive in Los Ange­les they’ll leave their bikes and fly to New York for eight days, return­ing to Los Ange­les to ride to the Mex­i­can bor­der, then fly home to Syd­ney. What an adventure.

Things to note on Han­ks set­up above (click­ing on the image presents a larg­er ver­sion of same):
   ♦ The stacked up stuff on the rear rack. Typ­i­cal long haul; load it up, bungee it all down.
   ♦ The cre­ative place­ment of the “han­dle­bar bag”, very cool.
   ♦ The disk brakes and an advan­tage I had nev­er considered.
         Hank had bro­ken 19 spokes by the time he rode into an Arca­ta bike store with four
         of them unre­paired. Yet he could still ride with the wheel WAY out of true because
         the bike has disk brakes. With brakes stop­ping on the rim and his size he probably
         would not have been able to ride with two spokes bro­ken, amaz­ing to me who has
         bro­ken many a spoke while tour­ing. Disc wheels may be in my future!

 Posted by at 10:30 am

October Full Moon Event

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Oct 102011

Mar­ilee put out the call and she, Car­ol, Steve, and Ashe arrived for anoth­er Shore­line Park potluck, chat, moonrise/sunset and gen­er­al fun evening. High­light: Car­ol brought some yum­my D’An­gelo’s wal­nut bread along with cream cheese and her own pump­kin but­ter.  Tom, an acquain­tance of Ashe’s, first rode by on his bicy­cle then lat­er strolled by with his ukelele and stopped to ser­e­nade us.

Thanks to Mar­ilee for again being the FME coor­di­na­tor.  Click on the mon­tage for a larg­er ver­sion that includes our strolling minstrel.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm