Sep 242011

Hey! What’s with all the food? I thought this was a blog entry for a bicy­cle ride?
It is. But one needs lots of calo­ries to ride 77 miles, read on gen­tle reader.

Cyn­thia had men­tioned doing this months ago. As the time drew near I decid­ed to jump in and par­tic­i­pate so I mon­gered us some tick­ets from the very cool tick­et exchange sec­tion on the SLO Bike Club web site. 

The short ver­sion is we had a great day vis­it­ing, rid­ing, and eat­ing. The long ver­sion is con­tained in the slideshow pre­sent­ed when you click on the above image of us in intake mode. 

There are lots of images with com­ments. You can use your mouse to man­u­al­ly has­ten the show or to present it in full screen/living col­or. If your sys­tem can­not present the above slideshow click­ing here presents the same con­tent in a dif­fer­ent format.

 Posted by at 4:30 pm
Sep 192011

I am wish­ing to ride a bit for the next few days to get ready for the SLO bike club’s Light­house ride this Sat­ur­day, hence today’s 45 miles. Cyn­thia E. and I had made a plan to do the Light­house ride and I have just today got­ten us two tick­ets by using the SLO BC tick­et mon­ger­ing site, very cool and easy: one from San Diego, one from Fresno.

Today’s des­ti­na­tion of Sea Cliff was par­tic­u­lar­ly so I could ride through the cool con­struc­tion cor­ri­dor for bicy­cles that Cal­Trans has set up on the south­bound 101 near La Con­chi­ta (seen in the upper right pho­to above) but also because its one of my favorite stretch­es of road. 

Inter­est­ing inter­play of fog and sun all dur­ing today’s ride. Click on the above mon­tage for a larg­er one of six with more info included.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Sep 162011

Phyl­lis’s won­der­ful nephew Eric is vis­it­ing she and San­ta Bar­bara for sev­er­al days. Today I was includ­ed in a very high pro­file cro­quet match on the Vista del Monte grounds. We had a nice time play­ing with the uneven and rough grass pro­vid­ed by Vista del sav­ing me from total humil­i­a­tion by the Kiwi Pro, whew.

Phyl­lis and Car­ol were the pri­ma­ry fans cheer­ing but sev­er­al oth­er Vista del Monte res­i­dents made com­ments or sug­ges­tions as they walked by us. Post game Car­ol was crav­ing some oys­ters so she, Eric, and I drove down to the Fishouse on Cabril­lo for same.

A very fun time for all indeed. Click­ing on the image of the three above will pro­vide more shots of us all that include sev­er­al nice ones of Phyllis.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Sep 142011

Tom called this morn­ing to say that he was head­ing down to the Ven­tu­ra area and asked if I’d like to ride down with him so that I could ride my bicy­cle home. What a great offer!! About an hour lat­er; just enough time for me to lube my chain, retape the left side of the han­dle­bars, have some break­fast, and get on my rid­ing duds he arrived in his truck.

We had a nice vis­it dri­ving south on US 101 then east on Hwy 33 6.2 miles to Casitas Springs and Sher­lock­’s. We walked in to find a very inter­est­ing antique lamp store. A few min­utes lat­er Tom came back out­side with me to help unload the bike and me get set to ride off. What a serendip­i­tous day! I was all set to doo­dle around on the com­put­er for most of the day but thanks to Tom I had a very fun adven­ture in the real world, e.g. away from the computer.

As usu­al click­ing on the mon­tage above presents more, clear­er shots of the day.

 Posted by at 3:30 pm
Sep 112011

Mar­ilee set up a sec­ond resump­tion of our Full Moon Events (FMEs). I was unable to attend last mon­th’s but was at Shore­line Park at 5:00 this evening. Lots of fun for all and good food as usu­al. Click on the above mon­tage to see more of our activ­i­ties. We look espe­cial­ly good at full screen so click on that choice if you wish.

Thank you M.K.

 Posted by at 4:38 pm
Sep 102011

Car­ol Carter had this fun idea for sev­er­al of us to join in on a San­ta Bar­bara Botan­ic Gar­den hike up Rat­tlesnake Canyon this morn­ing. She, Steve, Mar­ilee, and I met SBBG docent Diane Ken­nett at the trail­head at nine. Along with three oth­er folks we had a very infor­ma­tive and pleas­ant few hours polk­ing around along the trail. The most inter­est­ing fac­tiod of our out­ing was dis­cov­er­ing that a dam was con­struct­ed with­in Rat­tlesnake Canyon at the same time as the one in Mis­sion Canyon, ~ 1804. You can see it in the left image of the mid­dle row above.

After our out­ing Steve, Car­ol, and I repaired to La Super Rica for a won­der­ful lunch. Anoth­er great day in the life. Click­ing on the above mon­tage will present a larg­er one of same for more detailed viewing.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
Sep 082011

I start­ed out from the house think­ing I would just ride out to UCSB, buy a sea­son pass for soc­cer, and return home. But it was such a nice, warm day I decid­ed to head up 101 into the coun­try a bit, think­ing maybe the Gavio­ta rest stop. But when I arrived at the turn into Tajiguas and saw the sign that I still had 7 miles to go to the rest stop and real­ized that I was already hun­gry and anoth­er 14 miles was not the best choice I rode in, took a shot of the Tajiguas sign and anoth­er up toward the canyon land­fill, then crossed to south­bound 101 and head­ed for the Kahu­na Grill near Costco.

After my over­due lunch in the Kahu­na I road over to the Inter­col­le­giate Ath­let­ic Build­ing (cool title, eh?), bought my soc­cer pass, rode by the UCEN and had a nice vis­it with Cyn­thia, then rode home and imme­di­ate­ly con­sumed 32 ounces of Pow­erAide that Eric had giv­en me in Col­orado. Thank you Eric, per­fect timing.

Shots above: 1.) Look­ing up Refu­gio Road from the 101 bridge 2.) the Tajiguas entry sign 3.) an hour and 45 min­utes lat­er on the oth­er, south­bound side of the Refu­gio bridge now look­ing over Refu­gio State Beach and the Pacif­ic Ocean 4.) the UCSB lagoon on the way to Cyn­thi­a’s office.

Click on the four shot mon­tage to view one con­tain­ing eight.

 Posted by at 3:30 pm