Carol Bornstein’s Birthday hike around the Aliso Loop

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Apr 212019

Car­ol was up in San­ta Bar­bara for the week­end near­est her birth­day and asked sev­er­al of us to once again cir­cle the Aliso Loop to cel­e­brate. Here are the lucky eight that made it to the trail­head on a beau­ti­ful East­er Sun­day morn­ing. Don’t miss the fun video at the end.

And final­ly, a birth­day cho­rus by the Aliso Loop Players

 Posted by at 2:34 pm

A wonderful hike in the Whitewater Preserve

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May 012016

On the way home Sun­day from our Joshua Tree week­end we stopped at the White­wa­ter Pre­serve. Car­ol’s friend Randy had sug­gest­ed it. Click here to jump to the White­wa­ter Pre­serve website.

 Posted by at 4:33 pm

Joshua Tree with Carol Bornstein

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Apr 292016

Car­ol and I got an Airbnb place in Sun­fair near the Nation­al Park and had two won­der­ful days of hik­ing and pok­ing around with­in the park. Two gal­leries below. Shots with peo­ple,  shots of plants and the ter­rain. Peo­ple first

Now sans people

 Posted by at 5:05 pm

A wonderful walk on the Sedgewick Reserve

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Jan 112014

Friend Car­la invit­ed me to join her on the month­ly pub­lic hike on the Sedgewick Reserve. We were all set to leave with the mod­er­ate lev­el hike group when the leader heav­i­ly cau­tioned any of is with­out lugged soles to not come on his route. So we moved over to the easy group and had a very inter­est­ing expe­ri­ence. A very nice feel­ing of being way into the coun­try and curi­ous insight into how oth­ers lived and grew up.

 Posted by at 11:35 am
Dec 212012

Friend Christy includ­ed me in her annu­al Win­ter Sol­stice hike this morn­ing. Sev­en of us met at the end of Tun­nel Road short­ly after six for a hike to a secret spot of Christy’s near Inspi­ra­tion Point. It was won­der­ful walk­ing along as the day com­menced and the light unfold­ed. We arrived at our des­ti­na­tion in time to see the sun crest the moun­tain and there­after share some wish­es for the new year while drink­ing the warm Ore­gon Chai Christy had packed up the hill.

Click on the image above for some larg­er shots of our out­ing. Thanks Christy and friends for a love­ly start to the return of the light.

 Posted by at 7:02 am
Apr 282012

It being the 28th of April and a Sat­ur­day into the bar­gain many of the “Usu­al Sus­pects” met at Sage Hill camp­ground for the annu­al Aliso Canyon Trail hike. It was a warm and beau­ti­ful day and a very nice out­ing. At trail’s end Cathy O popped some won­der­ful choco­late cup­cakes out of her cute new Fiat and we all enjoyed a birth­day treat with the birth­day girl. Click­ing on the mon­tage above dis­plays some nice shots of our day.

In addi­tion here are two videos from our out­ing. In the first you can view an enact­ment of one of the sev­en dead­ly sins. In the sec­ond I demon­strate prop­er hik­ing tech­niques in the back country.

 Posted by at 4:00 pm
Oct 262011

Car­ol and I drove up to June Lake on Sun­day and spent three nights and two full days explor­ing some of the East­ern Sier­ra, par­tic­u­lar­ly look­ing for areas with fall col­or.  On the way up we stopped for a hike at Lava Falls and a vis­it to the Nation­al Park Ser­vice’s won­der­ful par­tial­ly rebuilt Man­za­nar site and museum.

Mon­day morn­ing some oth­er vis­i­tors sug­gest­ed High­way 120 as a good spot for col­or so we explored along the June Lake Loop then up 120 into Yosemite; lunch­ing, hik­ing, and pok­ing around in Tuolumne Mead­ows.  Mon­day’s din­ner was at the spec­tac­u­lar Con­vict Lake Restau­rant, YUM. What an end to day one.

Tues­day I went for a won­der­ful morn­ing hike up to the water­fall over­look­ing our Dou­ble Eagle Inn then we drove over to the Mam­moth Lakes area for an after­noon of dis­cov­ery in new ter­ri­to­ry for both of us.

Wednes­day we drove away from June Lake and stopped for break­fast at Toms Place before descend­ing to Bish­op and head­ing south on 395.   We stopped at Olacha for a pho­to op, Red Rock Canyon for a short hike, and the Lan­cast­er In-N-Out for lunch.

We had a great time and passed through and vis­it­ed much spec­tac­u­lar coun­try.  Click on the above mon­tage to see a slide show con­tain­ing images and more details of our outing.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Sep 102011

Car­ol Carter had this fun idea for sev­er­al of us to join in on a San­ta Bar­bara Botan­ic Gar­den hike up Rat­tlesnake Canyon this morn­ing. She, Steve, Mar­ilee, and I met SBBG docent Diane Ken­nett at the trail­head at nine. Along with three oth­er folks we had a very infor­ma­tive and pleas­ant few hours polk­ing around along the trail. The most inter­est­ing fac­tiod of our out­ing was dis­cov­er­ing that a dam was con­struct­ed with­in Rat­tlesnake Canyon at the same time as the one in Mis­sion Canyon, ~ 1804. You can see it in the left image of the mid­dle row above.

After our out­ing Steve, Car­ol, and I repaired to La Super Rica for a won­der­ful lunch. Anoth­er great day in the life. Click­ing on the above mon­tage will present a larg­er one of same for more detailed viewing.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
Aug 022010

Mt. Pinos hike August 2, 2010

Car­ol, Mar­garet, Ralph, and Ashe (TUS) along with Vir­ginia spent the day on Mount Pinos find­ing flow­ers, chat­ting, lunch­ing, and hiking.

Vir­ginia and Ralph arrived at Ashe’s at 9:00 a.m. where we piled into the Vol­vo and drove down the hill to pick up Car­ol then on to Carpin­te­ria to get Mar­garet on board. We decid­ed to dri­ve south on Hwy. 101, in on Hwy. 126 to Inter­state 5, then up to the Mount Pinos exit. A short stop at a Sub­way for Ashe to grab a turkey sand­wich and tank up then it was on task, i.e. off chas­ing flowers.

We end­ed up at the 8,300 foot park­ing lot where we had a nice hike into an adjoin­ing mead­ow then stopped for a shared lunch before hik­ing on up to the 8,800′ sum­mit of the moun­tain with lots of botan­i­cal stops and vis­it­ing along the way.

Our return dri­ve was quite spec­tac­u­lar, through Lock­wood Val­ley to Hwy. 33 then down to the edge of Ojai before skirt­ing Lake Casitas on Hwy. 150 and on into Carpin­te­ria to drop Mar­garet off before head­ing to San­ta Bar­bara, arriv­ing home around 7:45 p.m.

To see a slide show of our won­der­ful day click on the image above.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
May 132010

I flew off to Den­ver on the 13th. Eric and the boys (Hen­ry 8 and Eliot 6) picked me up at the air­port. Ker­ri flew home on Fri­day evening from a trip to Boston and we all had a nice 5 days.

Fri­day Eric and I drove north to Boul­der and had a great lunch at Lucile’s fol­lowed by a four mile hike in the near­by Flatirons.  Sat­ur­day Hen­ry, Eric and I went to a near­by skate­board park where Hen­ry honed his skills.  After­ward we three hiked to the top of the Cas­tle Rock. That evening Ker­ri, Eric, and I went to a won­der­ful Ital­ian restau­rant in Cas­tle Rock where we shared and much enjoyed 3 hors d’oeu­vres, three main cours­es, two desserts, and a bot­tle and a half of wine, YUM. Sun­day was more time at the skate­board park and gen­er­al­ly hang­ing out.

Mon­day Eric and I drove south to explore the Air Force Acad­e­my cam­pus then on to “Gar­den of the Gods” for a short hike. My last morn­ing on Tues­day I got to wit­ness Rex, Hen­ry’s pet king snake, con­sume two small frozen mice.  A lit­tle lat­er Eliot, Eric, and I (all sec­ond sons) went out for a nice, mouse­less, break­fast and chat before we dropped “El” at school, drove up to Boul­der, then off to the air­port where I got my plane ride home.

Click on this line for more images of my trip

 Posted by at 6:30 pm