31 mile ride to Emma Wood to reach 209
miles for the month, my highest in a year

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miles for the month, my highest in a year
May 312020

I’ve been rid­ing ear­ly every oth­er morn­ing but find­ing after yes­ter­day’s ride that my mileage for the month was 177 miles I decid­ed to head out again this morn­ing to reach 200 miles for the month. Look­ing again I saw that if my total was 209 miles it would be my great­est in just over a year. So this morn­ing it was up and at ’em!

 Posted by at 8:05 am

Six days later back down to spot 88

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May 302020

Up and out ear­ly to enjoy 10 miles down to spot 88 on the Rin­con Park­way and 10 more to return home

 Posted by at 7:00 am

Interesting predawn view
out to the oil platforms

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out to the oil platforms
May 292020
 Posted by at 6:00 am

An early and nice 20 mile ride into SB and back

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May 262020

My first ride into San­ta Bar­bara in months. I was wor­ried, Covid-19 wise, about the nar­row Sum­mer­land Hill bike­way but my ear­ly tim­ing avoid­ed all oth­er rid­ers, cool.


 Posted by at 5:26 am

Twenty one beautiful miles down
to the Rincon Parkway and back

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to the Rincon Parkway and back
May 242020

Covid-19 so much is very dif­fer­ent from the norm. No park­ing any­where, parks closed, and roads closed with bar­ri­ers to dis­cour­age access to the beach. I have nev­er seen the 114 space Rin­con Park­way empty.

 Posted by at 5:00 am

My morning walk, almost to Little Dubai

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May 232020

Up ear­ly and down to the shore I dis­cov­er that the tide is way out so with some shal­low wad­ing I can get beyond Sand Point and head for Lit­tle Dubai, my term for the love­ly Mid­dle East­ern styled homes near Padero Beach. I chose to turn around 1/4 mile from Dubai to not over stress my mend­ing left Achilles tendon.

 Posted by at 6:00 am

I ride south for the first time
and extend my miles to 15

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and extend my miles to 15
May 222020
 Posted by at 5:52 am

Ride to Summerland to poke around the new Rusty’s then back home just as the sun rose

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May 142020

I’ve been get­ting up very ear­ly so have been alter­nat­ing days between walk­ing over to and along the beach or going for a 40 minute bike ride. This morn­ing it was off to Sum­mer­land. Tried some­thing new this morn­ing. I put an earplug in my free­way side ear. It was very help­ful in cre­at­ing a more peace­ful ride.

 Posted by at 6:19 am

Walking through the salt marsh over to the shore

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May 052020

I love get­ting up ear­ly and walk­ing over to and along the shore. A very spe­cial get­ting out for me dur­ing our Covid-19 quarantine.

I’ve start­ed tak­ing my cam­era along to allow shots the iPhone can­not cap­ture as clear­ly. The heron and egret shots below show this clear­ly. Tap/Click to see larg­er ver­sions and note how the vol­ume of water in the salt marsh can vary from almost zero, as in the shot of the egret, to full, shown with the heron.

 Posted by at 7:00 am