Jalama Beach for Jalama Burgers (What Else?)

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May 102019

I took the #20 bus into Sum­mer­land this morn­ing and then walked up almost to Car­la’s. It had start­ed to rain so she picked me up and saved me a last quar­ter mile in the drizzle.

Off we went to Jala­ma Beach for a deli­cious Jala­ma Burg­er, a beau­ti­ful dri­ve there and back, and a nice walk on the beach. An inter­est­ing part of my day was leav­ing my read­ing glass­es at home. With my new (cataract removed) eyes it was no prob­lem for the eight hours I was away but I could­n’t use my cell phone or read oth­er small type. A bless­ing in dis­guise in ret­ro­spect and a very nice get away/outing. Thanks Carla.

You can see the Jala­ma Store above their insert­ed sign along with Car­la and her
white sleeves way up the beach (click for a nice enlarge­ment then
use the back arrow to return here)

And a few more images from the day:

 Posted by at 2:30 pm

Beautiful bike ride in the Mile High City

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May 122017

A beau­ti­ful 18 mile R.T. ride along the SPRT — The South Platt Riv­er Trail then up the Cher­ry Creek Trail to down­town Den­ver and lunch at Den­ver Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege from Eric’s favorite lunch truck. A spec­tac­u­lar 75 degree day in the mile high city.

Tough, post chick­en wrap, dessert dilem­ma; bakla­va or my favorite ener­gy bar?

 Posted by at 2:00 pm

To Venice and Back in just one day!

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Nov 132016

Car­ol Pre­ston asked to be dri­ven down to San­ta Mon­i­ca to inves­ti­gate a bed she was inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing. Here she is, top left pho­to, along­side the bed inside the Restora­tion Hard­ware Baby & Child store. Who woul­da thunk it but this is also avail­able in a queen size, one of which will be com­ing to Car­ol’s house soon. After the order­ing of the bed we drove over to Venice and poked around for a cou­ple of inter­est­ing hours.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Sep 192016

Today I com­plet­ed my goal of rid­ing 100,000 miles on my var­i­ous bicy­cles since I resumed rid­ing as an adult in May of 1972. So many won­der­ful mem­o­ries of com­pan­ions, places vis­it­ed or passed thru, and chal­lenges imag­ined, for­mu­lat­ed, and accom­plished. Thanks to all of you who rode along for any of these miles. What a won­der­ful 44 year saga.

Click on any of the images to see a larg­er ver­sion of same.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm

Nice ride with Tom and his riding
buddies Florence and Kathy

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buddies Florence and Kathy
Sep 112016

A very nice ride today that Tom struc­tured with me and his two rid­ing bud­dies Flo­rence and Kathy. All three of these folks usu­al­ly ride 1.5 times my nor­mal veloc­i­ty but today they were con­tent to cruise to the Ven­tu­ra Beach Pro­manade which gave me time to chat it up with them, fun. We split up short­ly after the Prom­e­nade as Kathy and Flo­rence elect­ed to ride back to Carpin­te­ria via the Lake Casitas loop while Tom and I rode back to Stack­ys in Sum­mer­land for a wrap each and a nice vis­it. After my wrap I rode on with Tom to the Bilt­more before turn­ing around and head­ing home so I could sur­pass 50 miles for the day.

Thanks to all for a won­der­ful out­ing. As usu­al click on any image below to see an enlarge­ment and start a slideshow from that point.

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

Sunday ride with Tom, Jill, & Tom2

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Feb 142016

Tom includ­ed me on the last third of his train­ing ride today. He, Jill, and anoth­er friend Tom start­ed off at 8:00AM from Carpin­te­ria Avenue and Casitas Pass Road and rode clock­wise around Lake Casitas (see below for the maps and details). I rode straight down the coast route from home and met them at the down­town Ven­tu­ra Habit for lunch and a nice vis­it after which we all rode back up the coast.
I took the upper left pho­to below on my way south. It is a memo­r­i­al to the won­der­ful Bill Con­nell, aka “The Hot Dog Man”, and is the site where he parked his Surf Dog trail­er. It was always a fun, off beat place to stop or just ride by. I clipped a few shots off the inter­net that I includ­ed below. Click on any to see a larg­er size and description.

 Posted by at 1:00 pm

Fun at local Pub

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Jan 072016

Tom and I fin­ished off the day of dri­ving to Los Ange­les for a Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Muse­um vis­it with Car­ol Born­stein and his semi annu­al eye check­up at UCLA by meet­ing friend Lynn at the Rin­con Brew­ery for din­ner, nice. Click on any image for a clos­er look.

 Posted by at 6:22 pm

A breakfast ride to Ventura on a beautiful day with more learning and using the RX-100

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Sep 172015

I did not get rolling until 9:00AM leav­ing just enough time to get to the Cajun Kitchen in Ven­tu­ra for a great­ly appre­ci­at­ed break­fast before the 10:30 cut­off. No images on the hun­gry ride south. Post eat­ing lots of time and patience on the return leg for more exper­i­men­ta­tion with my new RX-100. Click on any of the images for a larg­er version.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Jul 302014

I went on a great 55 mile ride yes­ter­day includ­ing lunch with niece Erin at a fun place near her hos­pi­tal (The won­drous Met­ro­pol­i­tan Mar­ket, right on the Burke-Gilman trail) dur­ing which she men­tioned a bike­way along I‑90 on its low cross­ing of Lake Wash­ing­ton. “Say what??

So after I cruised on out to enjoy the fas­ci­nat­ing locks, cir­ca 1917, off I went into and through down­town Seat­tle to try to find the I‑90 bike­way. One fly in that oint­ment was my iPhone being LOW on juice so I was only turn­ing it on every 45 min­utes or so to check on pos­si­ble mes­sages from Erin or, as a last resort, to find out where I was in the world. A nice adven­ture, helped along by sev­er­al friend­ly passers­by who direct­ed me on to the next point of deci­sion. A fun exploit indeed on a spec­tac­u­lar­ly clear, 85 degree day with Mounts Rainier and Jef­fer­son jump­ing out through­out the loop.

The day topped off with a very yum­my Thai feast in near­by Red­mond with Erin, Scott, and Emi­ly. What a DAY, Lucky Me!


The “Worth a Thou­sand Words” version

 Posted by at 8:20 pm
Jan 242014

I’ve been get­ting a lit­tle bored rid­ing the same old routes from home so today drove the bike down to Ven­tu­ra to ride the nice Ojai Val­ley Bike Trail into and through Ojai two miles for a great lunch at Boc­cal­i’s. Return­ing to Main Street I rode on down to the won­der­ful Ven­tu­ra ocean prom­e­nade where I joined a large crowd watch­ing the expert surfers in the high, 12–15 foot, waves before return­ing to the Vol­vo after a nice 37 mile out­ing. Click on any of these thumb­nails to view large images (com­plete with mean­ing­ful comments).

I am cur­rent­ly hav­ing a prob­lem with my new slideshow tech­nique. The orig­i­nal slideshow lays on top of my new one. So for now please click any­where out­side the ini­tial image pre­sented to remove the old ver­sion and allow my new one to get cen­ter stage, thanks.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm