Aug 252010
Muzita Abyssinian Bistro in San Diego

Won­der­ful din­ner at the Muzi­ta Abyssin­ian Bistro in San Diego

Here I am with Bob and Michele, my broth­er-in-law and sis­ter, shar­ing a fan­tas­tic Ethiopi­an din­ner treat in San Diego. Note the lack of table­ware and the lim­it­ed num­ber of plates, i.e. ONE! Its all shared and done with the hands, very fun.

After our leisure­ly feast we went on to see “The Last Romance” play in the Sheryl and Har­vey White The­atre of the Old Globe Com­plex. Anoth­er great evening brought to me by Bob and Michele, thank you.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm
Aug 192010

Anoth­er great out­ing with Phyl­lis as we accom­pa­nied Car­ol to the Beach­side Cafe at Hendry’s Beach to watch her move from image one to image four in just 56 min­utes. Still cel­e­brat­ing the won­der vis­it to UCLA last week she want­ed an entire lob­ster to help keep the ball rolling. As we see in image four the cat def­i­nite­ly got the canary and fin­ished it!

 Posted by at 12:30 pm
Aug 182010
I have just this week changed host­ing ser­vices from Net­work Solu­tions to GoDad­dy. I main­ly did this for the reduced fees but have been very hap­py with the 8 or 10 tech­ni­cians I have talked to in get­ting things transferred.

Then, just a few min­utes ago I attempt­ed to post a com­ment to my recent­ly moved blog to GoDad­dy via email and found it worked flaw­less­ly. Over the last sev­er­al months I have talked with the Net­work Solu­tions folks sev­er­al times and had sim­ply giv­en up that this would ever work. I’m a hap­py camper now.
 Posted by at 4:10 pm

Lunch parking in our future (best case scenario)

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Aug 092010

I was over at Vista del Monte today dur­ing lunch time, roam­ing my way back to Phyl­lis’ room. I saw this shot and found it quite inter­est­ing, so cap­tured it with my cell phone.

 Posted by at 12:12 pm
Aug 062010

August 6, 2010: A fun and unexpected ride thru some Fiesta Parade Artifacts

It was around 12:45 p.m. and I was play­ing around on my com­put­er here in the cap­sule when I real­ized that I was hun­gry. So I decid­ed to jump on my trusty bicy­cle and head off on one of my two reg­u­lar lunch rides, to Stack­y’s in Summerland.

I had for­got­ten that it was Fies­ta Parade time so was hap­pi­ly sur­prised to find my ride down Castil­lo to be a fun filled adven­ture pass­ing parade entries return­ing to Per­sh­ing Park via Castil­lo. Click on the above image to see more of it, cour­tesy of the cam­era in my iPhone. When I final­ly got to Stack­y’s I ordered a Fies­ta Wrap. Could I have got­ten any­thing else?

Inter­est­ing fac­toid over­heard as I biked past the parade announc­ers down on Cabril­lo: Mex­i­co held rights to Alta Cal­i­for­nia for only 25 years. Back to you, Chet.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm
Aug 022010

Mt. Pinos hike August 2, 2010

Car­ol, Mar­garet, Ralph, and Ashe (TUS) along with Vir­ginia spent the day on Mount Pinos find­ing flow­ers, chat­ting, lunch­ing, and hiking.

Vir­ginia and Ralph arrived at Ashe’s at 9:00 a.m. where we piled into the Vol­vo and drove down the hill to pick up Car­ol then on to Carpin­te­ria to get Mar­garet on board. We decid­ed to dri­ve south on Hwy. 101, in on Hwy. 126 to Inter­state 5, then up to the Mount Pinos exit. A short stop at a Sub­way for Ashe to grab a turkey sand­wich and tank up then it was on task, i.e. off chas­ing flowers.

We end­ed up at the 8,300 foot park­ing lot where we had a nice hike into an adjoin­ing mead­ow then stopped for a shared lunch before hik­ing on up to the 8,800′ sum­mit of the moun­tain with lots of botan­i­cal stops and vis­it­ing along the way.

Our return dri­ve was quite spec­tac­u­lar, through Lock­wood Val­ley to Hwy. 33 then down to the edge of Ojai before skirt­ing Lake Casitas on Hwy. 150 and on into Carpin­te­ria to drop Mar­garet off before head­ing to San­ta Bar­bara, arriv­ing home around 7:45 p.m.

To see a slide show of our won­der­ful day click on the image above.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
Aug 012010

Bike ride with Dave August 1, 2010

Best friends Dave and Mar­cia came to San­ta Bar­bara from their home in Texas to par­take with class­mates in a 50th anniver­sary reunion of their all grad­u­at­ing from USCB. This pre­sent­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty for Dave and I to go for a bike ride togeth­er after a 30 year rid­ing gap, Dave on the same bike he had at that time. Mar­cia, Dave, and I had a nice break­fast vis­it at Max’s restau­rant then Dave and I went out for a 35 mile spin thru Hope Ranch, UCSB, Coal Oil Point, and back. When we returned the three of us chat­ted on for anoth­er hour or so talk­ing about old times and present times, includ­ing catch­ing up on what has been hap­pen­ing with their two sons; Mark and Brian.

Dave and I were best friends for the 70’s into the 80’s when I moved to San­ta Bar­bara. The bond remains regard­less of time and place. We lived in La Cana­da at the time and were sep­a­rat­ed by about 4 blocks. We jogged most week­day morn­ings togeth­er for years, rode our bikes in all dif­fer­ent direc­tions and dis­tances, and I spent count­less hours with them in their home along with their two sons. I felt very much like extend­ed family.

Wonderful, warm memories.
 Posted by at 9:00 am