Shimano sandals updated to V. 6

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Apr 292010

After 16,000 miles on my much loved, April 2004 pur­chased, Shi­mano SH-SD60B bicy­cling san­dals I dis­cov­ered three weeks ago on the Shi­mano site that they had revert­ed to a two strap design, new mod­el SH-SD66. As I did not like the inter­ven­ing three strap mod­els I went by a local bike store yes­ter­day and found and pur­chased a pair in my size. Very spif­fo, no?

New 6th generation Shimano biking sandals

New 6th gen­er­a­tion Shi­mano bik­ing sandals.

Shimano sandals generation one and six  :-)

Shi­mano san­dals gen­er­a­tion six and one.

 Posted by at 5:33 pm
Apr 292010

Nine­ty nine year old friend Phyl­lis had to make a trip to the emer­gency room at Cot­tage on Tues­day evening. She then stayed Tues­day and Wednes­day night in the now termed Med­ical ICU and is now home and doing well.

Inter­est­ing­ly enough it turned out she was in the exact room I was placed for three days after my heart attack in 2006. So I men­tioned dur­ing a vis­it on Wednes­day: “I nev­er thought when I met you years ago that we would one day sleep in the same bed”. She respond­ed with her won­der­ful, hearty laugh.

Aren’t friends The Best?

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Apr 272010

My won­der­ful duplex neigh­bor Jill just host­ed a cou­ple from Ger­many, Frank and Mar­git. They found her place on a cool web site she had found and reg­is­tered with called Warm Show­ers and spent Mon­day and Tues­day nights with her on their San Fran­cis­co to Los Ange­les adventure.

Here they are yes­ter­day morn­ing with their unloaded bikes as the three of us are about to start off on a very nice day of explo­ration as far as Coal Oil Point. Its always spe­cial for me to meet cycle tourists and have a chance for a good chat.

Things for bik­ers to notice:

  • Frank wrapped both frames, forks, etc. with insu­la­tion padding thus allow­ing an unboxed air trip from Ger­many (and back) .
  • Sprung/wide Brooks saddles.
  • Very upright rid­ing posture.
  • Inter­nal­ly geared rear hub with one chain­ring and and a very nice, very com­plete chain guard. This allows shift­ing when the bike is stopped!! Very cool, when I stopped us quick­ly on a hill — I was the only one in the “wrong gear” for restarting 🙂
  • Front hub/dynamo = lights when­ev­er need­ed with­out batteries.
  • No span­dex!
  • Frank is a very expe­ri­enced cycle tourist hav­ing solo toured to Moroc­co twice, Nor­way, and to Patag­o­nia with a friend.

 Posted by at 6:30 pm
Apr 272010

Last fall at my sis­ter’s sug­ges­tion I watched and loved the 1972 BBC series of War and Peace. I then decid­ed to reread the nov­el. It was so won­der­ful I imme­di­ate­ly turned to Anna Karen­i­na which I found even more enjoy­able. In choos­ing the version/translation of Anna Karen­i­na I was led at Chaucer’s to the hus­band and wife trans­la­tor team of Richard Pevear and Laris­sa Volokhon­sky as pro­vid­ing the best and most inter­est­ing trans­la­tions of clas­sic Russ­ian lit­er­a­ture. I can now only agree and have moved on to their trans­la­tion of The Broth­ers Kara­ma­zov.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm

Ashe, Tom, and Steve ride the Wildflower

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Apr 242010

It was a very fog­gy morn­ing as we road off, Tom for 100 miles, Steve 72, and Ashe 50.  The fog cleared around noon and had its own sense of move­ment through the land­scape as con­trast­ed to rid­ing on a clear day.

I was think­ing when I read this sign that it was refer­ring to the met­al cat­tle guard behind me but I guess it real­ly was a sign for cat­tle cross­ing as Bessy, here, was just a lit­tle ways up the road.

 Posted by at 8:13 pm

Baaba Maal at Campbell Hall

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Apr 182010

Friend Car­ol P. and I were out at UCSB for a spectacular,
HIGH ener­gy Baa­ba Maal con­cert.  WHAT a treat!

Click on his image to learn more about him.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm

The Wonderful Jane Austen

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Apr 152010

Thanks to  friend Car­la I took the first of sev­er­al won­der­ful adult ed class­es on Jane Austen. In prepa­ra­tion for the cur­rent class, “The Austen Mys­tique: Why Jane Rules”,  I read the final two nov­els, Per­sua­sion and Emma. What amaz­ing writ­ing, obser­va­tion, wit, etc. Ongo­ing thanks to Car­la for the intro­duc­tion to a new and now favorite author.

And here is my caption

A won­der­ful rain­bow over the bird refuge

[slideshow­pro type=“video” url=“–12-12_Tom-with-motorcycles-on-SantaClausLane_2-00Mbps.mp4” preview=“–12-12_Tom-with-motorcycles-on-SantaClausLane_332-239.jpg” width=“427” height=“320” controls=“true” autostart=“false” ]


[slideshow­pro type=“video” url=“” preview=“” width=“500” controls=“true” autostart=“false” ]

 Posted by at 9:45 am
Apr 042010

Here I am along the Matil­i­ja Creek

Ralph & I in some rock chairs some­one had built

I had nev­er been this far into the canyon before and now real­ize why it has such an amaz­ing rep­u­ta­tion.  Alas I now under­stand a land own­er along the way has denied future access.

 Posted by at 9:08 pm