Sep 192016

Today I com­plet­ed my goal of rid­ing 100,000 miles on my var­i­ous bicy­cles since I resumed rid­ing as an adult in May of 1972. So many won­der­ful mem­o­ries of com­pan­ions, places vis­it­ed or passed thru, and chal­lenges imag­ined, for­mu­lat­ed, and accom­plished. Thanks to all of you who rode along for any of these miles. What a won­der­ful 44 year saga.

Click on any of the images to see a larg­er ver­sion of same.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm

Nice ride with Tom and his riding
buddies Florence and Kathy

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buddies Florence and Kathy
Sep 112016

A very nice ride today that Tom struc­tured with me and his two rid­ing bud­dies Flo­rence and Kathy. All three of these folks usu­al­ly ride 1.5 times my nor­mal veloc­i­ty but today they were con­tent to cruise to the Ven­tu­ra Beach Pro­manade which gave me time to chat it up with them, fun. We split up short­ly after the Prom­e­nade as Kathy and Flo­rence elect­ed to ride back to Carpin­te­ria via the Lake Casitas loop while Tom and I rode back to Stack­ys in Sum­mer­land for a wrap each and a nice vis­it. After my wrap I rode on with Tom to the Bilt­more before turn­ing around and head­ing home so I could sur­pass 50 miles for the day.

Thanks to all for a won­der­ful out­ing. As usu­al click on any image below to see an enlarge­ment and start a slideshow from that point.

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

Carol Bornstein is honored by the
Southern California Horticultural Society

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Southern California Horticultural Society
Sep 082016

Car­ol was hon­ored as the Hor­ti­cul­tur­al­ist of the Year, very won­der­ful. She includ­ed Ralph and I in the hon­or­ing evening which took place at the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Arbore­tum. As shown in most of the images below Ralph and I explored around for an hour or so before the event itself got started.

 Posted by at 7:30 pm

A test “drive” on a Hobie Mirage Outback kayak

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Sep 012016

I drove down to Moun­tain Air Sports this after­noon to test one of their Hobie leg dri­ven kayaks. It was very fun and interesting.

Now I have to decide whether I want to own one or no.

I dug out my four year old GoPro yes­ter­day and charged up the bat­ter­ies for my aquat­ic out­ing, a GoPro spe­cial­ty. Alas, as when I was on the moto trip to Mex­i­co, I neglect­ed to remem­ber to check and clean the water­proof case dur­ing the out­ing so sev­er­al of these shots have a smudge in the cen­ter of the image. In Mex­i­co it was a bug that splat­tered on the GoPro so half that day’s shots were shot.

As usu­al there are com­ments with each of the enlarged images. Click on any to see same.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm