Carla heads off as LOTS of students approach


It was the busiest I.V. bike traf­fic I have seen in some time. Even anoth­er stu­dent com­ment­ed that the bike traf­fic was unusu­al­ly heavy.

 Posted by at 1:21 pm

  2 Responses to “Carla heads off as LOTS of students approach”

  1. I, too, miss our old, reg­u­lar Sat­ur­day rides.
    11th or 13th fine with me. Tom will be back on the 13th so could join on that day although he may be exhaust­ed after his ALC9 expe­ri­ence. Let’s just plan to ride on what­ev­er day and time works best for you.

    I have found some knowl­edge­able peo­ple at Best Buy also. Yes­ter­day’s expe­ri­ence was of inter­est because the Gole­ta store now sells Apple prod­ucts. When they first opened I was in the store and asked where the Apple stuff was only to be told at that time that Apple was then refus­ing them rights to sell their prod­ucts due to the “real” Apple store near­by, i.e. in down­town San­ta Bar­bara. Some­thing clear­ly changed.

  2. I miss those SB/Goleta rides. Hope­ful­ly we can do one togeth­er on the 11th or the 13th. What do you think? Glad to see that bicy­cling is still the pre­dom­i­nant form of trans­porta­tion in IV. Looks like it’s even more bicy­cles than ever.

    By the way, I real­ly like Best Buy. Believe it or not, I found the folks that work there very knowl­edge­able, help­ful and enthusiastic.

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