Aug 022010

Mt. Pinos hike August 2, 2010

Car­ol, Mar­garet, Ralph, and Ashe (TUS) along with Vir­ginia spent the day on Mount Pinos find­ing flow­ers, chat­ting, lunch­ing, and hiking.

Vir­ginia and Ralph arrived at Ashe’s at 9:00 a.m. where we piled into the Vol­vo and drove down the hill to pick up Car­ol then on to Carpin­te­ria to get Mar­garet on board. We decid­ed to dri­ve south on Hwy. 101, in on Hwy. 126 to Inter­state 5, then up to the Mount Pinos exit. A short stop at a Sub­way for Ashe to grab a turkey sand­wich and tank up then it was on task, i.e. off chas­ing flowers.

We end­ed up at the 8,300 foot park­ing lot where we had a nice hike into an adjoin­ing mead­ow then stopped for a shared lunch before hik­ing on up to the 8,800′ sum­mit of the moun­tain with lots of botan­i­cal stops and vis­it­ing along the way.

Our return dri­ve was quite spec­tac­u­lar, through Lock­wood Val­ley to Hwy. 33 then down to the edge of Ojai before skirt­ing Lake Casitas on Hwy. 150 and on into Carpin­te­ria to drop Mar­garet off before head­ing to San­ta Bar­bara, arriv­ing home around 7:45 p.m.

To see a slide show of our won­der­ful day click on the image above.

 Posted by at 9:00 am

  One Response to “((The Usual Suspects)+1) adventure to Mt. Pinos”

  1. Who is the +1 in the TUS group? I think that overlook/parking lot to Mt. Pinos is where my father-in-law & moth­er-in-law stopped once because there was a gag­gle of bird watch­ers look­ing through their binoc­u­lars try­ing to find a con­dor. Of course, my moth­er-in-law, with her naked eye says “is that one”? It turned out she spot­ted the bird before any of the experts. 🙂
    I also like how you were the only one hun­gry enough for a sand­wich. That would have been me too after all that driving.

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