Feb 142016

Tom includ­ed me on the last third of his train­ing ride today. He, Jill, and anoth­er friend Tom start­ed off at 8:00AM from Carpin­te­ria Avenue and Casitas Pass Road and rode clock­wise around Lake Casitas (see below for the maps and details). I rode straight down the coast route from home and met them at the down­town Ven­tu­ra Habit for lunch and a nice vis­it after which we all rode back up the coast.
I took the upper left pho­to below on my way south. It is a memo­r­i­al to the won­der­ful Bill Con­nell, aka “The Hot Dog Man”, and is the site where he parked his Surf Dog trail­er. It was always a fun, off beat place to stop or just ride by. I clipped a few shots off the inter­net that I includ­ed below. Click on any to see a larg­er size and description.

 Posted by at 1:00 pm

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