Shimano sandals updated to V. 6

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Apr 292010

After 16,000 miles on my much loved, April 2004 pur­chased, Shi­mano SH-SD60B bicy­cling san­dals I dis­cov­ered three weeks ago on the Shi­mano site that they had revert­ed to a two strap design, new mod­el SH-SD66. As I did not like the inter­ven­ing three strap mod­els I went by a local bike store yes­ter­day and found and pur­chased a pair in my size. Very spif­fo, no?

New 6th generation Shimano biking sandals

New 6th gen­er­a­tion Shi­mano bik­ing sandals.

Shimano sandals generation one and six  :-)

Shi­mano san­dals gen­er­a­tion six and one.

 Posted by at 5:33 pm
Apr 292010

Nine­ty nine year old friend Phyl­lis had to make a trip to the emer­gency room at Cot­tage on Tues­day evening. She then stayed Tues­day and Wednes­day night in the now termed Med­ical ICU and is now home and doing well.

Inter­est­ing­ly enough it turned out she was in the exact room I was placed for three days after my heart attack in 2006. So I men­tioned dur­ing a vis­it on Wednes­day: “I nev­er thought when I met you years ago that we would one day sleep in the same bed”. She respond­ed with her won­der­ful, hearty laugh.

Aren’t friends The Best?

 Posted by at 2:00 pm