May 132010

I flew off to Den­ver on the 13th. Eric and the boys (Hen­ry 8 and Eliot 6) picked me up at the air­port. Ker­ri flew home on Fri­day evening from a trip to Boston and we all had a nice 5 days.

Fri­day Eric and I drove north to Boul­der and had a great lunch at Lucile’s fol­lowed by a four mile hike in the near­by Flatirons.  Sat­ur­day Hen­ry, Eric and I went to a near­by skate­board park where Hen­ry honed his skills.  After­ward we three hiked to the top of the Cas­tle Rock. That evening Ker­ri, Eric, and I went to a won­der­ful Ital­ian restau­rant in Cas­tle Rock where we shared and much enjoyed 3 hors d’oeu­vres, three main cours­es, two desserts, and a bot­tle and a half of wine, YUM. Sun­day was more time at the skate­board park and gen­er­al­ly hang­ing out.

Mon­day Eric and I drove south to explore the Air Force Acad­e­my cam­pus then on to “Gar­den of the Gods” for a short hike. My last morn­ing on Tues­day I got to wit­ness Rex, Hen­ry’s pet king snake, con­sume two small frozen mice.  A lit­tle lat­er Eliot, Eric, and I (all sec­ond sons) went out for a nice, mouse­less, break­fast and chat before we dropped “El” at school, drove up to Boul­der, then off to the air­port where I got my plane ride home.

Click on this line for more images of my trip

 Posted by at 6:30 pm