Jul 292010

Ashe and Mar­garet (along with miss dou­ble M) in Gian­n­fran­co’s Trat­to­ria in Carp

I rode my bicy­cle down to Mar­garet’s home in Carpin­te­ria for lunch. On the way, pass­ing through Sum­mer­land, I met Cyn­thia cycling back up from Carp where she had just rid­den her new Sur­ley bike for a tune-up with Den­nis at Rin­con Cycles. She and I had a nice 10 — 15 minute catch up then it was on again to Mar­garet’s. After arriv­ing and stash­ing my bike Mar­garet drove us down­town to the won­der­ful Gian­n­fran­co’s Trat­to­ria on Lin­den where we had a fun, tasty (YUM!!) lunch and a great visit.

The wait­ress offered us the spot shown above. I chose to sit under Mar­i­lyn so I would­n’t have to be star­ing at her from the oth­er side of the table 🙂

 Posted by at 12:30 pm