Dec 222010

[slide­press gallery=‘2010–12-22-beautiful-afternoon-bike-ride-with-a-rainbow’]

With the after­noon clear­ing of the storm I jumped on my bicy­cle and rode down and around the har­bor, bird refuge, Bilt­more, and Mon­tecito envi­rons to enjoy the oppor­tu­ni­ty presented.

I arrived at the har­bor to notice a spec­tac­u­lar rain­bow off to the east. Rid­ing along the beach bike­way one won­der­ful view after anoth­er lured me to stop and pull out my cell phone for a pic­ture while the rain­bow sus­tained and con­stant­ly broad­ened its arc dur­ing my ride toward Sum­mer­land Hill.

Return­ing I was stopped by a freight train near the Bilt­more, always a treat for a train fanat­ic. Back along the beach bike­way I took the shots of the two beached sail­boats, blown off their moor­ings by the just com­plet­ed storm.

While I was rid­ing thru the back lanes of  Mon­tecito I rode over four creeks. Nor­mal­ly dry, they were all  flow­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly today so when I was close to home and cross­ing over Mis­sion Creek I took the last video in my lit­tle show above.
(For a larg­er show in your brows­er or on your iDe­vice click any­where with­in this sen­tence).

 Posted by at 5:00 pm

  4 Responses to “Rain wanes, Sun shines, Rainbow manifests”

  1. Great pictures.According to my worm sever­i­ty scale (num­ber of washed up boats) it seems this past worm was only a “1”. not all that bad.

  2. So cool. The wet feet leaves me cold, but I’m an island kine a gal…I like the warm feet thing.

  3. LOVE that Rain­bow pho­to, sans truck!

  4. Am I miss­ing the link?

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