Jul 052011

Scott and I went on a spec­tac­u­lar 48 mile 5th of July bike ride today, most­ly skirt­ing around the shore of Lake Wash­ing­ton but also through UDUB, very fun. Temps in the 80’s, just like SoCal 🙂

I start gen­er­al­ly south tomor­row for Sat­ur­day in Sacra­men­to to see and cheer on Ralph at his foot race there. But first a north­ern jag up to North Cas­cades Nation­al Park (get­ting with­in about 15 miles of Cana­da) then maybe over to the Grand Coulee Dam before actu­al­ly start­ing the move SOUTH.

We rode by an inter­est­ing amphibi­ous plane lot/launching area.

The bike trail had a cou­ple of detours along the route. Here’s Scott com­ing down one with the very nice bike trough beside the stairs.

Scott and I with a very inter­est­ing sculp­ture along the way.

And at the point of need­ing to turn around after we had pressed our luck head­ing a cou­ple of miles down the signed as closed path.

 Posted by at 7:32 pm

  2 Responses to “Wonderful Lake Washington Bike Ride”

  1. I want one for my stairs at home.

  2. Liiks like you guys had a Grant-o-lious, steel & smart­wool day!

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