Aug 022011

My sis­ter Michele saw and fell in love with a very won­der­ful Deo de los Muer­tos sculp­ture in San Luis Obis­po a cou­ple of months ago. After she returned home to Poway she decid­ed she did indeed want it so I offered to dri­ve up to SLO and pick it up. I kept her (she now has a name, Kat­ri­na) here until today when we made the plan to meet half way at the Green Street Restau­rant in Pasade­na for lunch and a hand­ing over of Katrina.

Car­ol Pre­ston offered to ride along as shot­gun and gen­er­al guardian of Objets d’art. We arrived at the appoint­ed high noon hour right in front of the Green Street Restau­rant and were lit­er­al­ly behind Michele in her car, so it was easy to park togeth­er and walk to lunch. In the mon­tage above: Michele and Car­ol just after park­ing, the two of them at our table, the three of us with the dregs of lunch, and final­ly Michele and I with Kat­ri­na hav­ing just exit­ed the Vol­vo on her way to the back seat of the Cam­ry. It was a beau­ti­ful, hot, nice­ly cloudy, mid west­ern feel­ing day com­plete with a few rain drops. (A big­ger ver­sion of Kat­ri­na can be seen my click­ing on her to the left and a big­ger mon­tage ver­sion by click­ing on the mon­tage itself.)

On the way back to San­ta Bar­bara Car­ol and I drove from West­lake to Leo Car­il­lo State Beach through the beau­ti­ful San­ta Mon­i­ca Moun­tains, up the coast to Padero Lane where we paused for a dip in the ocean, then on to Bro­phy Both­ers for din­ner. Quite the fun outing.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm