Nov 122011

Eric flew in from Den­ver on Thurs­day after­noon for anoth­er won­der­ful vis­it and to par­tic­i­pate in his third San­ta Bar­bara Inter­na­tion­al Marathon.

High­lights of the week­end were vis­its with Phyl­lis, Car­ol’s Born­stein and Pre­ston, Ralph, Tom and neigh­bor Jill. Sat­ur­day morn­ing Tom and I did our usu­al sup­port­ing, root­ing, stalk­ing, and pro­vid­ing flu­id to Eric. Unfor­tu­nate­ly he was not feel­ing well so wise­ly end­ed his run at mile 21 where the cheer­ing Phyl­lis, Car­ol, and Vir­ginia await­ed. To see more of the race day click HERE or on the mon­tage above.

 Posted by at 10:15 am