Jul 302014

I went on a great 55 mile ride yes­ter­day includ­ing lunch with niece Erin at a fun place near her hos­pi­tal (The won­drous Met­ro­pol­i­tan Mar­ket, right on the Burke-Gilman trail) dur­ing which she men­tioned a bike­way along I‑90 on its low cross­ing of Lake Wash­ing­ton. “Say what??

So after I cruised on out to enjoy the fas­ci­nat­ing locks, cir­ca 1917, off I went into and through down­town Seat­tle to try to find the I‑90 bike­way. One fly in that oint­ment was my iPhone being LOW on juice so I was only turn­ing it on every 45 min­utes or so to check on pos­si­ble mes­sages from Erin or, as a last resort, to find out where I was in the world. A nice adven­ture, helped along by sev­er­al friend­ly passers­by who direct­ed me on to the next point of deci­sion. A fun exploit indeed on a spec­tac­u­lar­ly clear, 85 degree day with Mounts Rainier and Jef­fer­son jump­ing out through­out the loop.

The day topped off with a very yum­my Thai feast in near­by Red­mond with Erin, Scott, and Emi­ly. What a DAY, Lucky Me!


The “Worth a Thou­sand Words” version

 Posted by at 8:20 pm