Sep 012016

I drove down to Moun­tain Air Sports this after­noon to test one of their Hobie leg dri­ven kayaks. It was very fun and interesting.

Now I have to decide whether I want to own one or no.

I dug out my four year old GoPro yes­ter­day and charged up the bat­ter­ies for my aquat­ic out­ing, a GoPro spe­cial­ty. Alas, as when I was on the moto trip to Mex­i­co, I neglect­ed to remem­ber to check and clean the water­proof case dur­ing the out­ing so sev­er­al of these shots have a smudge in the cen­ter of the image. In Mex­i­co it was a bug that splat­tered on the GoPro so half that day’s shots were shot.

As usu­al there are com­ments with each of the enlarged images. Click on any to see same.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm

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