Jul 092010

I rode down to the bird refuge and met Car­la, then we rode down to Carpin­te­ria for break­fast at Esau’s where we split a huevos rancheros. Many nice mem­o­ries here when var­i­ous groups of us would rid­ing down on Sat­ur­day morn­ing for break­fast and a nice visit.

This is the first egg I have eat­en at Esau’s since I ate the “Two, Two, and Two” spe­cial on the morn­ing of Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2006, then road back to San­ta Bar­bara and had my heart attack. Nice to see they still offer the same special.

Click on this sentence to view a silly slideshow during our breakfast
 Posted by at 9:05 am

  One Response to “Carla and Ashe ride to Esau’s in Carp”

  1. Wow. What an amaz­ing (almost) 4 year jour­ney. I was going to joke, but I feel solemn for once, instead. I am hap­py you revis­it­ed and blast­ed through that milestone.

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