Feb 282012

As I was wind­ing up my last ride for Feb­ru­ary I decid­ed to stop at D’An­gelo’s Bak­ery for a loaf of sour­dough to take with and added a yum­my cin­na­mon swirly giz­mo for imme­di­ate con­sump­tion in cel­e­bra­tion of 555 miles for the month, my high­est month­ly total since my heart attack in Sep­tem­ber of 2006.

Return­ing out­side I was get­ting the iPhone/camera out of the Car­randice bag when the very friend­ly woman who had just sold me my items came out to sug­gest I lock my bike on my next vis­it as just last week some­one had done a very sim­i­lar trans­ac­tion to mine dur­ing which his bike was stolen!

While I was my usu­al quite care­ful self in check­ing on the Ram while inside it still had its vul­ner­a­ble moments so next time the cable.

 Posted by at 10:25 am

  One Response to “555 miles for the month and a cautionary warning”

  1. I thought about this sit­u­a­tion this morn­ing, when I left my bike out­side of SBUX to get an espres­so. I fig­ure if some­body tries to run­away on the fixed gear they will prob­a­bly crash hard. But who knows? Can’t ever watch too closely.

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