Mar 062012

I had a won­der­ful lunch bike ride to Sum­mer­land. It was VERY windy out. Grate­ful­ly it was blow­ing my hun­gry self straight to Stack­y’s for a Fies­ta Wrap. After­ward, now well fed, the return ride was a chal­lenge at sev­er­al points; notably by the Bilt­more where sev­er­al hardy types were amaz­ing­ly able to kitesurf, along the beach bike­way and out onto the wharf. Post wharf up and along Shore­line, over the fun foot bridge onto El Camino De La Luz. There I stopped to take these two images of inter­est­ing yet very dif­fer­ent hous­es. I capped off my ride at Ian’s Tires where the new­ly reshod Vol­vo await­ed me.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm

  One Response to “A WINDY, Beautiful 25 miles”

  1. Nice pic­tures! I start­ed out on my bicy­cle yes­ter­day for my 10 mile com­mute. The wind was so bad that when I got to the cof­fee kiosk around the cor­ner, I bought a cup, walked 1 block to the bus stop, and wait­ed for it to take me to work!

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