Mar 112012

Cyn­thia, Tom, and I drove up togeth­er to Vista de Las Cruces School, very near the junc­ture of 101 and Hwy 1, to meet some of Tom’s Fast­Track­er fast rid­ing bud­dies. We arrived first. Get­ting all our stuff togeth­er tor­toise’s Cyn­thia and Ashe rode off, around 9:30 PST.

It was quite misty ear­ly on and evi­dent from the wet roads that it had been rain­ing ear­li­er in the night. Cyn­thia and I had a nice vis­it as we cruised up High­way 1 and on to Jala­ma Road. About half way out to the ocean Tom and the oth­er Fast­Track­ers came steam­ing by. 90 min­utes lat­er we were with them at the “Home of the Famous Jala­ma Ham­burg­er” and had a fun vis­it as they were fin­ish­ing their burgers.

The day was increas­ing­ly clear­ing on the return ride with many miles of sun. Cyn­thia and I were both pooped when we got back to the school and car but very hap­py campers for hav­ing such a won­der­ful out­ing in such beau­ti­ful coun­try. Tom had left a note in the Vol­vo say­ing he was rid­ing on. Cyn­thia and I loaded up and drove down 101 about 10 miles where we spot­ted our hero and pulled over to load him in. 56 miles for the Tor­tois­es and oth­er Fast­Track­ers, 66 for Tom. Of course there’s more! Click­ing on the mon­tage will start the show. Tom also has a blog entry for today on his Aid­sLife­Cy­cle 11 site. Click here to go there.

 Posted by at 5:38 pm

  2 Responses to “Great ride to Jalama Beach”

  1. You real­ly cap­tured the day. Nice blog work.
    Rab­bit Tom

  2. what a great idea!! looks like the start was cold! that is no easy 56 miles! lots of hills!

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