Sep 082010

Day 4 Reno to Klamath Falls

More amaz­ing ter­ri­to­ry today, Reno to Kla­math Falls — which is in Ore­gon and sig­ni­fies rid­ing in three states in one day for those of us not­ing such. Leav­ing Reno this morn­ing looked like rain so I got some­what rain-ready and head­ed out. Forty five miles north of Reno I thought I had got­ten clear of the threat. HA! Not Even!

Two hours lat­er I road along in mild rain for 50 miles or so. My HiViz out­fit worked as adver­tised, dry as a bone while con­tin­u­ing it’s main func­tion of glow­ing in the dark. But the tem­per­a­ture was in the high to mid 40’s and, while think­ing of stop­ping and putting on a sweater I fought that impulse, remained in char­ac­ter, and did not.

Arriv­ing in Kla­math Falls around 3:00 and stop­ping for a late lunch I final­ly under­stood my con­di­tion when I start­ed shiv­er­ing in the restau­rant and could not stop. It was dur­ing this shiv­er­fest that a dis­tant shot of san­i­ty sug­gest­ed to me that I sh/could get a motel room ASAP to get inside and out of the then cur­rent 57 degree day. But return­ing to the Suzu­ki the Coutts geneal­o­gy sec­tion of my brain sud­den­ly took con­trol and, see­ing there was plen­ty of time to ride on to Bend, had one of my fin­gers plug Bend into the GPS. Off we went for many blocks until Dar­win reassert­ed the mod­ern lay­er and had the GPS repoint­ed to the Kla­math Falls EconoLodge.

Once in the room I lay under the cov­ers for an hour and a half while my trusty (???) brain kept sug­gest­ing I get up and go for a walk around the town. My body negat­ed all those cor­ti­cal mis­fires by con­tin­u­ing to lux­u­ri­ate under the cov­ers. I did not leave the room again until morning.

For the record 1001.3 miles on the trip odome­ter with Sis­ters now with­in easy reach for Fri­day afternoon.

 Posted by at 4:04 pm

  One Response to “Reno to Klamath Falls (Oregon!)”

  1. You. This sounds famil­iar. On a bicy­cle we can warm up by work­ing. On the motor­cy­cle once the cold starts you nev­er get warm again. I learned a alll this the hard way also. I will check out the flash show when I get back to a real computer.

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