Sep 192012

Car­ol came over this morn­ing at 11:15 and we jumped in the Vol­vo for anoth­er trip to Ven­tu­ra to vis­it Nan­cy before she resumes her nor­mal work life next week.

After a chat and guid­ed tour of her toma­to and egg­plant crop we all decid­ed that a trip to Bren­t’s would be next on the agen­da. We had a fun vis­it on the way down, a con­tin­ued chat­ting dur­ing lunch (includ­ing CSI Miami’s David Caru­so in the booth right near us and right behind Car­ol’s head in the shot above), and a stop on the way back through Camar­il­lo at an organ­ic fruit and veg­etable stand that was sell­ing won­der­ful look­ing toma­toes for fifty cents a pound.

Anoth­er day in the life. Click on the image above to see what we each ordered.

 Posted by at 1:00 pm

  2 Responses to “Back to Brent’s for more deli”

  1. What a great day! Great friends and good food xo

  2. Ah! Stuff the face! 🙂

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