Nov 072010

2010-11-06 Eric runs the Santa Barbara Marathon

The day fol­low­ing the marathon Eric was feel­ing good enough to take a leisure­ly 17 mile bike ride out to UCSB and back so we took the Mon­dia down from its bat like place­ment in the rafters and inflat­ed the tires. It also had a bro­ken front shift­ing cable which we eas­i­ly replaced then rode off toward UCSB.

When we returned we swapped bike gen­res and took the Suzu­ki over to Earl War­ren Show­grounds so he could try it out. We had a fun 10 or 15 min­utes until the care­tak­er asked us to leave 🙂

 Posted by at 4:00 pm

  2 Responses to “Eric and Ashe take three cycles on two rides”

  1. Cables! Eric, I always think of you and your bike shop years when I’m fix­ing a flat…

  2. Very, very fun. Thanks for shar­ing. Eric, it’s hard to believe you ran a marathon the day before! Also, these videos are feed­ing a lot faster than the oth­ers, so good work on that optimization.

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