May 272021

I awoke ear­ly this morn­ing so I could catch the 6:25 San­ta Bar­bara bound bus. My plan was to get off in Sum­mer­land, walk along the shore to San­ta Bar­bara’s East Beach, then catch the Carpin­te­ria bound bus home. Every­thing went swim­ming­ly. It was very fun and inter­est­ing to see sights I haven’t seen for a very long time, some never.

I’ve noticed for years that cor­morants seemed to be killing and have killed many euca­lyp­tus trees on the ocean side of Hwy 101 on the Sum­mer­land hill. So after return­ing home I sought the answer on the inter­net: “Cor­morants do kill trees, shrubs, and oth­er veg­e­ta­tion, due to accu­mu­la­tion of their guano, which is high­ly acidic, and removal of foliage for nest­ing material.”

Sev­er­al images below show this dam­age and oth­ers views I found of inter­est. Click on any to jump to a slideshow that includes a descrip­tion with each.

 Posted by at 9:20 am

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