Apr 272010

Last fall at my sis­ter’s sug­ges­tion I watched and loved the 1972 BBC series of War and Peace. I then decid­ed to reread the nov­el. It was so won­der­ful I imme­di­ate­ly turned to Anna Karen­i­na which I found even more enjoy­able. In choos­ing the version/translation of Anna Karen­i­na I was led at Chaucer’s to the hus­band and wife trans­la­tor team of Richard Pevear and Laris­sa Volokhon­sky as pro­vid­ing the best and most inter­est­ing trans­la­tions of clas­sic Russ­ian lit­er­a­ture. I can now only agree and have moved on to their trans­la­tion of The Broth­ers Kara­ma­zov.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm

  One Response to “Back again to the Russians”

  1. Hey, can you add an RSS link? So I can be noti­fied of your updates?



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