Beautiful ‘Dawning of the Day’ walk along the shore

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Jan 252022

An ear­ly, pre­sun­rise start to the day allowed for lots of won­der­ful views.

Shorty after I arrived at the shore, 6:47 and still anoth­er half hour to see the sun

7:04: Lots more light and less red sky

I liked this view out toward the oil rigs kind of sit­ting atop the high surf

On the return leg now with the sun up and high­light­ing the main life­guard tow­er on the state beach

Amaz­ing and super hardy swim­mer in the ear­ly light

And a quick, dynam­ic 11 sec­onds of my morning

 Posted by at 8:00 am

Early Beach Walk from
Summerland to East Beach

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Summerland to East Beach
May 272021

I awoke ear­ly this morn­ing so I could catch the 6:25 San­ta Bar­bara bound bus. My plan was to get off in Sum­mer­land, walk along the shore to San­ta Bar­bara’s East Beach, then catch the Carpin­te­ria bound bus home. Every­thing went swim­ming­ly. It was very fun and inter­est­ing to see sights I haven’t seen for a very long time, some never.

I’ve noticed for years that cor­morants seemed to be killing and have killed many euca­lyp­tus trees on the ocean side of Hwy 101 on the Sum­mer­land hill. So after return­ing home I sought the answer on the inter­net: “Cor­morants do kill trees, shrubs, and oth­er veg­e­ta­tion, due to accu­mu­la­tion of their guano, which is high­ly acidic, and removal of foliage for nest­ing material.”

Sev­er­al images below show this dam­age and oth­ers views I found of inter­est. Click on any to jump to a slideshow that includes a descrip­tion with each.

 Posted by at 9:20 am

Spectacular sunrise along the shore this morning,

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Dec 052020

On my walk this morn­ing the sun­rise was sim­ply gor­geous and for quite a long time. Here are two sta­t­ic shots that you can click on to enlarge fol­lowed by a video. So spe­cial that our sec­tion of the coast faces south so we can see both the sun­rise and the sun­set from the shore.

 Posted by at 6:40 am

On my early morning walk I catch the loading of a service boat for the oil platforms

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Nov 022020

I always like to watch the plat­form ser­vice boats come and go from their ser­vice pier by the Seal Sanc­tu­ary out to the plat­forms. This beau­ti­ful morn­ing I was walk­ing by the pier when the Capt. T Le loaded up and head­ed out. Cool.

 Posted by at 6:20 am

Predawn setting of the moon out my bedroom door

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Oct 292020

I awoke around five this morn­ing and glanced out my open bed­room door to see the full moon along with Mars. It was so love­ly I jumped up in the chilly predawn to take some pic­tures. This became more involved as I need­ed to use a tri­pod then need­ed to add a step stool to get the cam­era to a height to include the San­ta Bar­bara har­bor. By the time I got every­thing set up and had tak­en a few shots to under­stand how to con­fig­ure the cam­era the moon was set­ting, then gone in a last shot or two.

 Posted by at 5:15 am

Predawn ride into Santa Barbara

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Oct 192020

I left home just before 5:00 and rode to the har­bor in San­ta Bar­bara then out to the end of the wharf before head­ing for home. Here are a few shots in the dark of things that intrigued me in the beau­ti­ful predawn.

 Posted by at 6:00 am

Spectacular setting of the moon this morning

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Sep 302020

I rode away from the house this morn­ing at 4:50 while the moon was still up and with­in a day of being full. When I got down to La Con­chi­ta I stopped in the hopes of being able to cap­ture the glo­ri­ous sight off to the west.

 Posted by at 5:32 am

Poking around in the Seal Sanctuary

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Sep 182020

I dis­cov­ered on my walk this morn­ing that the Seal Sanc­tu­ary is only for­mal­ly restrict­ed Decem­ber 1st thru May 31st. I’ve seen the sign often and always turned around but this morn­ing a few peo­ple were com­ing along from the direc­tion of the pier so after talk­ing with them and hear­ing their expe­ri­ence I walked on. No seals were “home” but in the fourth pho­to you can see the inter­est­ing seal tracks up and down the beach. It was an inter­est­ing per­spec­tive to look up at the Sanc­tu­ary over­look, i.e. the seal’s view.

 Posted by at 7:00 am

Seeing a stingray way up close

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Aug 222020

This morn­ing as I was walk­ing to Pt. Dubai (seen in the dis­tance in shot three) and was about 35 yards from this boy he was return­ing a ray to the ocean. Twen­ty min­utes lat­er I was return­ing from Dubai and could see the boy work­ing away heav­i­ly reel­ing in anoth­er fish with his bent rod. Yet anoth­er ray, so I stopped to chat with him and his very friend­ly dad and took these shots. “Could it have been the same ray?” I asked. The man was very cer­tain it was not.


 Posted by at 7:15 am

My best shot yet of the La Conchita neon palms

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Aug 202020

I’ve loved these guys ever since I first noticed them dri­ving by La Con­chi­ta at night. So since I’ve been bik­ing in and around dawn I’ve stopped to take pic­tures with my Sony cam­era a few times. But I’ve nev­er been able to hold the Sony steady enough for a clear image. So I bought a Joby Goril­la­Pod 500 tri­pod that allows me to wrap its legs around the top bar of the bike­way bar­ri­er to pro­vide a sta­ble base for the long, 265′ foot shot across the 101 to the neon palms in the dark. This morn­ing was try num­ber one and things swam swimmingly.

My best shot of the morn­ing.
The red streaks are car tail lights zoom­ing along the 101
(click to see the full size)

A cou­ple more shots where I like the effect of the tail lights fly­ing by

 Posted by at 5:45 am