Mar 112012

Cyn­thia, Tom, and I drove up togeth­er to Vista de Las Cruces School, very near the junc­ture of 101 and Hwy 1, to meet some of Tom’s Fast­Track­er fast rid­ing bud­dies. We arrived first. Get­ting all our stuff togeth­er tor­toise’s Cyn­thia and Ashe rode off, around 9:30 PST.

It was quite misty ear­ly on and evi­dent from the wet roads that it had been rain­ing ear­li­er in the night. Cyn­thia and I had a nice vis­it as we cruised up High­way 1 and on to Jala­ma Road. About half way out to the ocean Tom and the oth­er Fast­Track­ers came steam­ing by. 90 min­utes lat­er we were with them at the “Home of the Famous Jala­ma Ham­burg­er” and had a fun vis­it as they were fin­ish­ing their burgers.

The day was increas­ing­ly clear­ing on the return ride with many miles of sun. Cyn­thia and I were both pooped when we got back to the school and car but very hap­py campers for hav­ing such a won­der­ful out­ing in such beau­ti­ful coun­try. Tom had left a note in the Vol­vo say­ing he was rid­ing on. Cyn­thia and I loaded up and drove down 101 about 10 miles where we spot­ted our hero and pulled over to load him in. 56 miles for the Tor­tois­es and oth­er Fast­Track­ers, 66 for Tom. Of course there’s more! Click­ing on the mon­tage will start the show. Tom also has a blog entry for today on his Aid­sLife­Cy­cle 11 site. Click here to go there.

 Posted by at 5:38 pm
Mar 092012

A glo­ri­ous warm morn­ing prompt­ed me to get on the Suzu­ki and start off on the Carp, Ojai, Cuya­ma, San­ta Maria, Los Olivos, San­ta Bar­bara loop. Near­ing Ojai I stopped to check the iPhone’s brows­er for “Ojai Val­ley Taxi­dermy” then plugged the result into the gps and rode on over. Own­er Chuck Tes­ta, upper left above, came out for a nice vis­it. If you don’t yet know about his viral YouTube stuff click here to see my favorite of many vari­a­tions (it’s had 730,000 viewings).

After my vis­it with Chuck it was an 80 degree spin up beau­ti­ful High­way 33 pass­ing the orchards of the San­ta Bar­bara Pis­ta­chio Com­pa­ny which are just bare­ly with­in San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty on the far north­east cor­ner. A few more miles on High­way 33 then a left turn west onto High­way 166 where I was ready for lunch. Alas my lunch goal was the “Ran­cho Nipo­mo” restau­rant rec­om­mend­ed by friend Car­ol Carter, cur­rent­ly 65 miles on down the road. So I motored on, final­ly arrived, and ordered the deli­cious house spe­cial­ty; a pulled pork sand­wich with the cole slaw right in there with the 18 ingre­di­ent sauced pork, YUM.

Sati­at­ed and hap­py I remount­ed the Suzu­ki, for­tu­nate­ly still there since I’d left the key in the igni­tion in my hur­ry to quell my hunger. The weath­er and traf­fic con­tin­ued ide­al as I head­ed south on 101 to Bet­ter­avia, Fox­en Canyon Road, and High­way 150, on over the pass and home. Arriv­ing home I care­ful­ly pulled the Suzu­ki up onto its cen­ter stand and lubed the chain while it idled in first gear. A com­plete day. Click on the four shot mon­tage above for some more images of the day pre­sent­ed in groups of four. Click on the left or right side of the four­somes to move to more shots.

 Posted by at 4:35 pm
Feb 282012

As I was wind­ing up my last ride for Feb­ru­ary I decid­ed to stop at D’An­gelo’s Bak­ery for a loaf of sour­dough to take with and added a yum­my cin­na­mon swirly giz­mo for imme­di­ate con­sump­tion in cel­e­bra­tion of 555 miles for the month, my high­est month­ly total since my heart attack in Sep­tem­ber of 2006.

Return­ing out­side I was get­ting the iPhone/camera out of the Car­randice bag when the very friend­ly woman who had just sold me my items came out to sug­gest I lock my bike on my next vis­it as just last week some­one had done a very sim­i­lar trans­ac­tion to mine dur­ing which his bike was stolen!

While I was my usu­al quite care­ful self in check­ing on the Ram while inside it still had its vul­ner­a­ble moments so next time the cable.

 Posted by at 10:25 am

Phyllis’ 101st Birthday Luncheon

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Dec 292011

Four shots of Phyl­lis on her birthday

I was includ­ed in a won­der­ful 101st birth­day lunch for Phyl­lis at Vista del Monte. At our table of four were she, Car­ol, Ali­cia, and myself. We had a nice vis­it dur­ing lunch then Ali­cia and Car­ol dis­trib­uted slices of Ali­ci­a’s won­der­ful birth­day cake to all the folks in the din­ing room. Every­one was very grate­ful. As folks left the din­ing area many dropped by to wish Phyl­lis a hap­py birth­day and for a brief chat, very nice.

Fol­low­ing lunch we four returned to Phyl­lis’ apart­ment where she joy­ful­ly opened her cards and unwrapped her gifts, very fun.

There are more images of the fun par­ty. Click on the image above to view a slideshow.

 Posted by at 12:00 pm
Oct 262011

Car­ol and I drove up to June Lake on Sun­day and spent three nights and two full days explor­ing some of the East­ern Sier­ra, par­tic­u­lar­ly look­ing for areas with fall col­or.  On the way up we stopped for a hike at Lava Falls and a vis­it to the Nation­al Park Ser­vice’s won­der­ful par­tial­ly rebuilt Man­za­nar site and museum.

Mon­day morn­ing some oth­er vis­i­tors sug­gest­ed High­way 120 as a good spot for col­or so we explored along the June Lake Loop then up 120 into Yosemite; lunch­ing, hik­ing, and pok­ing around in Tuolumne Mead­ows.  Mon­day’s din­ner was at the spec­tac­u­lar Con­vict Lake Restau­rant, YUM. What an end to day one.

Tues­day I went for a won­der­ful morn­ing hike up to the water­fall over­look­ing our Dou­ble Eagle Inn then we drove over to the Mam­moth Lakes area for an after­noon of dis­cov­ery in new ter­ri­to­ry for both of us.

Wednes­day we drove away from June Lake and stopped for break­fast at Toms Place before descend­ing to Bish­op and head­ing south on 395.   We stopped at Olacha for a pho­to op, Red Rock Canyon for a short hike, and the Lan­cast­er In-N-Out for lunch.

We had a great time and passed through and vis­it­ed much spec­tac­u­lar coun­try.  Click on the above mon­tage to see a slide show con­tain­ing images and more details of our outing.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm

October Full Moon Event

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Oct 102011

Mar­ilee put out the call and she, Car­ol, Steve, and Ashe arrived for anoth­er Shore­line Park potluck, chat, moonrise/sunset and gen­er­al fun evening. High­light: Car­ol brought some yum­my D’An­gelo’s wal­nut bread along with cream cheese and her own pump­kin but­ter.  Tom, an acquain­tance of Ashe’s, first rode by on his bicy­cle then lat­er strolled by with his ukelele and stopped to ser­e­nade us.

Thanks to Mar­ilee for again being the FME coor­di­na­tor.  Click on the mon­tage for a larg­er ver­sion that includes our strolling minstrel.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm
Sep 242011

Hey! What’s with all the food? I thought this was a blog entry for a bicy­cle ride?
It is. But one needs lots of calo­ries to ride 77 miles, read on gen­tle reader.

Cyn­thia had men­tioned doing this months ago. As the time drew near I decid­ed to jump in and par­tic­i­pate so I mon­gered us some tick­ets from the very cool tick­et exchange sec­tion on the SLO Bike Club web site. 

The short ver­sion is we had a great day vis­it­ing, rid­ing, and eat­ing. The long ver­sion is con­tained in the slideshow pre­sent­ed when you click on the above image of us in intake mode. 

There are lots of images with com­ments. You can use your mouse to man­u­al­ly has­ten the show or to present it in full screen/living col­or. If your sys­tem can­not present the above slideshow click­ing here presents the same con­tent in a dif­fer­ent format.

 Posted by at 4:30 pm
Sep 112011

Mar­ilee set up a sec­ond resump­tion of our Full Moon Events (FMEs). I was unable to attend last mon­th’s but was at Shore­line Park at 5:00 this evening. Lots of fun for all and good food as usu­al. Click on the above mon­tage to see more of our activ­i­ties. We look espe­cial­ly good at full screen so click on that choice if you wish.

Thank you M.K.

 Posted by at 4:38 pm
Aug 022011

My sis­ter Michele saw and fell in love with a very won­der­ful Deo de los Muer­tos sculp­ture in San Luis Obis­po a cou­ple of months ago. After she returned home to Poway she decid­ed she did indeed want it so I offered to dri­ve up to SLO and pick it up. I kept her (she now has a name, Kat­ri­na) here until today when we made the plan to meet half way at the Green Street Restau­rant in Pasade­na for lunch and a hand­ing over of Katrina.

Car­ol Pre­ston offered to ride along as shot­gun and gen­er­al guardian of Objets d’art. We arrived at the appoint­ed high noon hour right in front of the Green Street Restau­rant and were lit­er­al­ly behind Michele in her car, so it was easy to park togeth­er and walk to lunch. In the mon­tage above: Michele and Car­ol just after park­ing, the two of them at our table, the three of us with the dregs of lunch, and final­ly Michele and I with Kat­ri­na hav­ing just exit­ed the Vol­vo on her way to the back seat of the Cam­ry. It was a beau­ti­ful, hot, nice­ly cloudy, mid west­ern feel­ing day com­plete with a few rain drops. (A big­ger ver­sion of Kat­ri­na can be seen my click­ing on her to the left and a big­ger mon­tage ver­sion by click­ing on the mon­tage itself.)

On the way back to San­ta Bar­bara Car­ol and I drove from West­lake to Leo Car­il­lo State Beach through the beau­ti­ful San­ta Mon­i­ca Moun­tains, up the coast to Padero Lane where we paused for a dip in the ocean, then on to Bro­phy Both­ers for din­ner. Quite the fun outing.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Jul 262011

I rode down to the East Beach Grill and met Car­ol C. for pan­cakes, hers with blue­ber­ries inside, mine with bananas. We brought along our own Trad­er Joe’s dark real maple syrup to com­ple­ment the yum­my ‘cakes. We were hav­ing such a good time no record­ed images of the event were tak­en. After break­fast I rode down through Carpin­te­ria and along the beau­ti­ful Rin­con Park­way, decid­ing to turn around after 27 miles right here at a nice surf­ing spot.

Sev­er­al of the folks camp­ing along the Park­way have cre­at­ed some very fun rock sculptures.

On the way home I picked up some water to mix with my pow­dered Gatorade at the nice foun­tain adjoin­ing the Rin­con fire sta­tion (left), stopped for an inter­est­ing shot of an oil pump­jack (I just learned this word from WikiPedia), then encoun­tered a slight block­ing of the bike path 1/2 mile fur­ther along.

Back up the rise from Bates Road to the Hwy. 150 over­pass I’m all set to cruise back thru Carpin­te­ria and on to Sum­mer­land for a deli­cious turkey burg­er at Stack­ys. (I wish I could keep remem­ber­ing to keep my fin­gers away from the iPhone’s lens, note fin­ger in upper left cor­ner of image).

A final stop at Tom’s office for a nice leisure­ly vis­it and it was home and into the cap­sule to pre­pare this entry. A won­der­ful post birth­day day.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm