Sep 162011

Phyl­lis’s won­der­ful nephew Eric is vis­it­ing she and San­ta Bar­bara for sev­er­al days. Today I was includ­ed in a very high pro­file cro­quet match on the Vista del Monte grounds. We had a nice time play­ing with the uneven and rough grass pro­vid­ed by Vista del sav­ing me from total humil­i­a­tion by the Kiwi Pro, whew.

Phyl­lis and Car­ol were the pri­ma­ry fans cheer­ing but sev­er­al oth­er Vista del Monte res­i­dents made com­ments or sug­ges­tions as they walked by us. Post game Car­ol was crav­ing some oys­ters so she, Eric, and I drove down to the Fishouse on Cabril­lo for same.

A very fun time for all indeed. Click­ing on the image of the three above will pro­vide more shots of us all that include sev­er­al nice ones of Phyllis.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm