Sep 242011

Hey! What’s with all the food? I thought this was a blog entry for a bicy­cle ride?
It is. But one needs lots of calo­ries to ride 77 miles, read on gen­tle reader.

Cyn­thia had men­tioned doing this months ago. As the time drew near I decid­ed to jump in and par­tic­i­pate so I mon­gered us some tick­ets from the very cool tick­et exchange sec­tion on the SLO Bike Club web site. 

The short ver­sion is we had a great day vis­it­ing, rid­ing, and eat­ing. The long ver­sion is con­tained in the slideshow pre­sent­ed when you click on the above image of us in intake mode. 

There are lots of images with com­ments. You can use your mouse to man­u­al­ly has­ten the show or to present it in full screen/living col­or. If your sys­tem can­not present the above slideshow click­ing here presents the same con­tent in a dif­fer­ent format.

 Posted by at 4:30 pm