Mar 062012

I had a won­der­ful lunch bike ride to Sum­mer­land. It was VERY windy out. Grate­ful­ly it was blow­ing my hun­gry self straight to Stack­y’s for a Fies­ta Wrap. After­ward, now well fed, the return ride was a chal­lenge at sev­er­al points; notably by the Bilt­more where sev­er­al hardy types were amaz­ing­ly able to kitesurf, along the beach bike­way and out onto the wharf. Post wharf up and along Shore­line, over the fun foot bridge onto El Camino De La Luz. There I stopped to take these two images of inter­est­ing yet very dif­fer­ent hous­es. I capped off my ride at Ian’s Tires where the new­ly reshod Vol­vo await­ed me.

 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Mar 062012

I have loved these dual com­pound brake pads for decades so when I noticed the orig­i­nal pads on the Ram look­ing thin I imme­di­ate­ly thought of find­ing some of these. Lo and Behold yes­ter­day morn­ing when I walked from the Whole Foods park­ing lot over to Bob’s Bicy­cles they were right there on the wall, lucky me.

Click on the pack­age to see the instal­la­tion on the Ram. It was very easy/breezy. Just take out the lit­tle screw that holds in the pad (by screw­ing into the lit­tle notch you see in the blown up images), slide out the worn pad, slide in the new pad, and replace the lit­tle screw. Read­just the cable and all is well and ready for some enhanced stop­ping, very enhanced in the rain.

 Posted by at 10:30 am