Aug 062010

August 6, 2010: A fun and unexpected ride thru some Fiesta Parade Artifacts

It was around 12:45 p.m. and I was play­ing around on my com­put­er here in the cap­sule when I real­ized that I was hun­gry. So I decid­ed to jump on my trusty bicy­cle and head off on one of my two reg­u­lar lunch rides, to Stack­y’s in Summerland.

I had for­got­ten that it was Fies­ta Parade time so was hap­pi­ly sur­prised to find my ride down Castil­lo to be a fun filled adven­ture pass­ing parade entries return­ing to Per­sh­ing Park via Castil­lo. Click on the above image to see more of it, cour­tesy of the cam­era in my iPhone. When I final­ly got to Stack­y’s I ordered a Fies­ta Wrap. Could I have got­ten any­thing else?

Inter­est­ing fac­toid over­heard as I biked past the parade announc­ers down on Cabril­lo: Mex­i­co held rights to Alta Cal­i­for­nia for only 25 years. Back to you, Chet.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm

  3 Responses to “Horses and Carriages and Floats, Oh My!”

  1. Sounds like a great day! We are try­ing to plan to be there Aug 21–22. Maybe you can show me that ride to Stack­y’s? Also, with any luck I will have the new, hitch mount­ed bicy­cle rack to show off.

  2. OK David. ( I hate being old enough to know the reference!)

  3. Fun! We end­ed up on State street Fri­day night, too crowd­ed and noisy for me. It’s bet­ter to see it all through your eyes. Thanks.

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