Aug 252010
Muzita Abyssinian Bistro in San Diego

Won­der­ful din­ner at the Muzi­ta Abyssin­ian Bistro in San Diego

Here I am with Bob and Michele, my broth­er-in-law and sis­ter, shar­ing a fan­tas­tic Ethiopi­an din­ner treat in San Diego. Note the lack of table­ware and the lim­it­ed num­ber of plates, i.e. ONE! Its all shared and done with the hands, very fun.

After our leisure­ly feast we went on to see “The Last Romance” play in the Sheryl and Har­vey White The­atre of the Old Globe Com­plex. Anoth­er great evening brought to me by Bob and Michele, thank you.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm

  4 Responses to “Fantastic Ethiopian dinner then more .…”

  1. I was hop­ing you’d found an Ethiopi­an place clos­er to SB.… too bad. I miss it from my days in DC.

  2. Final­ly have you in my Google read­er. Fol­low­ing now on my IPad

  3. Looks like great fun! do you have some motor­cy­cle pics? Are you rid­ing up to Oregon?

  4. I thought “Ethiopi­an feast” was an oxymoron?

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