Sep 052010

Near little lake on highway 395

This road has to be one of the great scenic high­ways of the world, cer­tain­ly one of my favorites. I am so grate­ful I thought to come this way and cer­tain­ly to be able to cruise through it on my Suzu­ki mag­ic car­pet, I’ve nev­er enjoyed it more than today.

Tonight I am stay­ing in Inde­pen­dence in the his­toric, i.e. 1927, Win­ndumah Hotel. I am just back in my room after sit­ting on the front porch for a cou­ple of hours watch­ing the 395 traf­fic roll by and vis­it­ing with a cou­ple on their way home from Burn­ing Man. Many inter­est­ing sto­ries accom­pa­nied by 200 images on their camera.

Friend Car­ol Born­stein’s sug­gest­ed I stop on the way here at Fos­sil Falls. I rode in the .4 miles of dirt, parked the moto with my trusty, patent­ed String-O-Board then walked in the 1/4 mile to the Fos­sil Falls. Very worth­while side trip and good to test the waters a bit beyond the tarmac.

I also stopped for a bit at Man­za­nar, as I usu­al­ly do. What a sad part of our his­to­ry. Kind of erodes the “can’t hap­pen here myth”.

Great first day out. Tomor­row it’s into the East­ern Sierra.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm

  One Response to “First day of my adventure
301 miles: Home to Independence”

  1. great post and pic­ture! Glad to see the ‘stitch on the seat! Insepen­dence is a great lit­tle town! Is it hot there? Where to tomor­row? Please keep the posts coming!

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