Nice ride with Tom and his riding
buddies Florence and Kathy

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buddies Florence and Kathy
Sep 112016

A very nice ride today that Tom struc­tured with me and his two rid­ing bud­dies Flo­rence and Kathy. All three of these folks usu­al­ly ride 1.5 times my nor­mal veloc­i­ty but today they were con­tent to cruise to the Ven­tu­ra Beach Pro­manade which gave me time to chat it up with them, fun. We split up short­ly after the Prom­e­nade as Kathy and Flo­rence elect­ed to ride back to Carpin­te­ria via the Lake Casitas loop while Tom and I rode back to Stack­ys in Sum­mer­land for a wrap each and a nice vis­it. After my wrap I rode on with Tom to the Bilt­more before turn­ing around and head­ing home so I could sur­pass 50 miles for the day.

Thanks to all for a won­der­ful out­ing. As usu­al click on any image below to see an enlarge­ment and start a slideshow from that point.

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

Carol Bornstein is honored by the
Southern California Horticultural Society

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Southern California Horticultural Society
Sep 082016

Car­ol was hon­ored as the Hor­ti­cul­tur­al­ist of the Year, very won­der­ful. She includ­ed Ralph and I in the hon­or­ing evening which took place at the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Arbore­tum. As shown in most of the images below Ralph and I explored around for an hour or so before the event itself got started.

 Posted by at 7:30 pm

A test “drive” on a Hobie Mirage Outback kayak

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Sep 012016

I drove down to Moun­tain Air Sports this after­noon to test one of their Hobie leg dri­ven kayaks. It was very fun and interesting.

Now I have to decide whether I want to own one or no.

I dug out my four year old GoPro yes­ter­day and charged up the bat­ter­ies for my aquat­ic out­ing, a GoPro spe­cial­ty. Alas, as when I was on the moto trip to Mex­i­co, I neglect­ed to remem­ber to check and clean the water­proof case dur­ing the out­ing so sev­er­al of these shots have a smudge in the cen­ter of the image. In Mex­i­co it was a bug that splat­tered on the GoPro so half that day’s shots were shot.

As usu­al there are com­ments with each of the enlarged images. Click on any to see same.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm

Tom rides AidsLifecycle 2016

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Jun 112016

I was again a sup­port per­son for Tom for his 545 mile, sev­en day bicy­cle ride from San Fran­cis­co to Los Ange­les. Here are some shots from the week

A gallery for Sun­day, day one

And day 5, Lom­poc to San­ta Maria — Red Dress Day. Car­ol Pre­ston and I drove up to see the fes­tiv­i­ties and find Tom

And day 6 in San­ta Bar­bara as Tom came by

 Posted by at 3:02 pm

Ralph’s new quilts

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Jun 042016

Friend Ralph had some won­der­ful quilts cre­at­ed from his old run­ning t‑shirts. Click on any to see a much larg­er version.

 Posted by at 12:00 pm

A wonderful hike in the Whitewater Preserve

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May 012016

On the way home Sun­day from our Joshua Tree week­end we stopped at the White­wa­ter Pre­serve. Car­ol’s friend Randy had sug­gest­ed it. Click here to jump to the White­wa­ter Pre­serve website.

 Posted by at 4:33 pm

Joshua Tree with Carol Bornstein

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Apr 292016

Car­ol and I got an Airbnb place in Sun­fair near the Nation­al Park and had two won­der­ful days of hik­ing and pok­ing around with­in the park. Two gal­leries below. Shots with peo­ple,  shots of plants and the ter­rain. Peo­ple first

Now sans people

 Posted by at 5:05 pm

Be careful when exploring a new tunnel

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Mar 152016

I rode down to Ven­tu­ra for lunch then, on the way home, decid­ed to take the time to explore an old tun­nel cross­ing under the free­way. The tun­nel is about a mile and a half south of Mus­sel Shoals, near the south­ern ter­mi­na­tion of the new bike­way. As you can see from the images the tun­nel cross­ing was not what I expect­ed. Click on any image for a larg­er ver­sion com­plete with commentary.

 Posted by at 2:04 pm

Amazing 10,000 miles & 30 centuries/year rider

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Feb 282016

Niece Erin and I crossed paths with this amaz­ing fel­low at the end of a nice walk along the Sam­mamish Riv­er Trail.

He had bro­ken his col­lar bone in four places in mid Jan­u­ary while rid­ing into an area of pos­si­ble ice and remem­bers noth­ing of his acci­dent where­in a bystander stood over him so he would not be run over while await­ing the ambu­lance. He was next con­scious and aware in the hos­pi­tal. He has a tita­ni­um plate hold­ing his col­lar bone togeth­er and is rid­ing today only six weeks after his accident.

Today he had rid­den down to the Bain­bridge Island Fer­ry in the ear­ly AM to fer­ry over to the Cas­cade Bicy­cle Club’s Chilly Hilly 33 mile ride then back to Seat­tle and on back to Wood­inville where we met him at his mile 80 for the day. He rode over 10,000 miles last year that includ­ed 30 cen­tu­ry rides.

He’s rid­ing his brand new Rodriguez cycle that he has set up as his dream machine. It includes a Rohloff rear hub with 14 ratios (which can shift while stopped) there­by need­ing no mul­ti­ple chain­rings in front allow­ing for a very cool belt dri­ve sys­tem, S & S cou­plers, a Son gen­er­a­tor front hub that not only feeds his light­ing sys­tem but also pow­ers a USB port inside his han­dle­bar bag, a Pletsch­er dou­ble leg kick­stand, a new high tech Brooks C17 Cam­bi­um sad­dle, Marathon Plus tires, and an array of elec­tron­ics. Quite the dream,

After I insert­ed all the above I went brows­ing on the Rodriguez site and found that he had post­ed these ten shots of our fel­low’s cycle. Lots of inter­est­ing close­ups of the many fas­ci­nat­ing parts he chose.  One ques­tion I wished I’d asked him was why he chose can­tilevers instead of disc brakes. Click on any of the images for a larg­er version.

 Posted by at 2:40 pm

Sunday ride with Tom, Jill, & Tom2

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Feb 142016

Tom includ­ed me on the last third of his train­ing ride today. He, Jill, and anoth­er friend Tom start­ed off at 8:00AM from Carpin­te­ria Avenue and Casitas Pass Road and rode clock­wise around Lake Casitas (see below for the maps and details). I rode straight down the coast route from home and met them at the down­town Ven­tu­ra Habit for lunch and a nice vis­it after which we all rode back up the coast.
I took the upper left pho­to below on my way south. It is a memo­r­i­al to the won­der­ful Bill Con­nell, aka “The Hot Dog Man”, and is the site where he parked his Surf Dog trail­er. It was always a fun, off beat place to stop or just ride by. I clipped a few shots off the inter­net that I includ­ed below. Click on any to see a larg­er size and description.

 Posted by at 1:00 pm