Mar 292011

I was sum­moned for jury duty at the Fed­er­al Dis­trict Court in Los Ange­les for two weeks of ser­vice com­menc­ing on March 22nd. As direct­ed I called the court hot­line on the 21st and found I was off the hook for that week. Call­ing again on the 28th I was told to report to the jury room at 7:45 the fol­low­ing morning.

So I left home at 5:00 a.m. and zoomed to the court park­ing lot in down­town Los Ange­les arriv­ing at 6:30, per­fect. It was a nice 1/2 mile walk in the awak­en­ing city to my favorite break­fast spot in that area, Phillipe’s (upper left pho­to, 7:05 on the clock there­in) to eat and read all the inter­est­ing his­to­ry on the walls about steam trains and oth­er fas­ci­nat­ing top­ics. After­ward it was back to the car to grab some stuff I want­ed to have with me then over to the cour­t­house (left build­ing in the upper right pho­to — that’s me in the third floor window).

By 11:30 half of us had found out that “our tri­al” had been con­tin­ued but that we need­ed to stay until the jury selec­tion process com­plet­ed for the oth­er half. So back to the car to switch into more com­fort­able clothes and back to Phillipe’s for a lamb sand­wich, baked apple, and glass of lemon­ade. After lunch it was a great walk through Chi­na­town (very nice ban­ner above), Oliv­era Street, the beau­ti­ful Union Sta­tion (image 4), and the Pueblo de Los Ange­les before the return to the cour­t­house where at 1:20 p.m. we were told that the oth­er jury had com­plet­ed selec­tion and our jury ser­vice was fin­ished, finis. By then I was feel­ing pret­ty tired so I hopped in the Vol­vo and bee lined for home, arriv­ing just eight hours after I’d left.

For ver­i­fi­ca­tion, reim­burse­ment, and/or cred­i­bil­i­ty here is my juror badge.


 Posted by at 3:00 pm
Mar 112011

Car­ol sug­gest­ed an out­ing to the Vedan­ta Tem­ple and Bocal­li’s (that got my buy in) so we first head­ed over toward Vedan­ta to enjoy the grounds when, along the way, I spied Butch and Sun­dance comin’ right through the wall of the Sheffield Reser­voir, too fun! Well I just had to yell whoa to all those ponies under the hood and pull over to say howdy and ask, busy as they were, if I could have my pic­ture tak­en with them.

Then it was back on task and on to the Vedan­ta where we see Ms. P pos­ing by bell and boul­der along with a nice, split panora­ma of the tem­ple itself.

I just don’t under­stand these uptight med­i­ta­tive types, chill it’s only a brief call.

So, after we were asked to leave we sailed on over the dual Casitas Pass­es enjoy­ing the fan­tas­tic day with lots of ear­ly bird wild­flow­ers and end­ing up at Bocal­li’s in Ojai for lunch and cer­tain­ly not for­get­ting their sig­na­ture dessert.

 Posted by at 12:00 pm
Jan 072011

Two weeks ago Jesse men­tioned an annu­al com­mu­ni­ty mass burn­ing of Christ­mas trees in Solvang. Well I just perked right up at the image that brought to my mind and men­tioned it to sev­er­al oth­ers. Car­ol and Vir­ginia were imme­di­ate­ly on board with Lib­by soon after.

Three of us drove over Hwy. 154 dur­ing a beau­ti­ful pink cloud­ed sun­set and met Lib­by at the new “The Cow­boy Way” bar-b-que restau­rant in Solvang for din­ner and a fun chat. Then it was on to the big event, held in the huge open field that adjoins Hwy. 246 and the San­ta Ynez Mis­sion. Hun­dreds of oth­er folks and fam­i­lies had arrived to watch.

After a fire depart­ment demon­stra­tion show­ing us all how quick­ly a dry tree ignites as com­pared to a tree that has been watered the big pile of trees was set aflame. The effect was def­i­nite­ly worth the dri­ve and dur­ing the entire show there was a con­tin­u­ous cycle of pop songs hav­ing lyrics con­tain­ing fire, burn, light, etc. blar­ing out into the night.

To see and hear some of our fire­side fun click on the mon­tage above.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm
Nov 252010

Thanksgiving 2010 with the Allens

Erin picked me up on Tues­day at SeaT­ac in the midst of a win­ter won­der­land for the Seat­tle area.

We all had sev­er­al fun snowy days, a deli­cious Thanks­giv­ing din­ner, fun out­ings to the Seat­tle Art Muse­um, Pikes Place Mar­ket, Guay­mas on Sun­day for live music with great food and grog, and the Expe­ri­ence Music Project along with numer­ous games of Mex­i­can Train. Erin, Scott, and I also made it to Gold’s Gym sev­er­al days for a nice bal­ance to the hol­i­day indulgences.

Erin again is award­ed the win­ner in the best sin­gle themed con­coc­tion cat­e­go­ry: fan­tas­tic turkey on The Day, sev­er­al great turkey sand­wich­es, turkey enchi­ladas, and turkey lemon­grass soup. And for her fan­tas­tic pump­kin pan­cakes a for­ev­er grate­ful public.

Many thanks to all the Allens for anoth­er mem­o­rable vis­it for the Unc.

 Posted by at 5:25 pm
Nov 162010

Car­ol Preston, Nan­cy Palmer, and Ashe ven­tured south to the big city to see the “So You Think You Can Dance” trav­el­ing dance cir­cus at the Sta­ples Cen­ter. Car­ol had a lead from a friend to dine before­hand at Clifton’s Cafe­te­ria on Broad­way. I have been there many times, most of my vis­its occur­ring over a half cen­tu­ry ago. It was quite the mag­i­cal place then (the shot in the upper right could have been tak­en at the table next to ours):

2010-11-16 Clifton's back in the day

Some of the con­tem­po­rary din­ers; turkey on the left, beef to the right

2010-11-16 Dining at Clifton's Cafeteria before the show

and a shot of the P’s and a C with a P in front of the log cab­in area with­in all the oth­er fun water­falls, cave like struc­tures, etc.

2010-11-16 Dining at Clifton's Cafeteria before the show

Then it was on to Sta­ples Cen­ter for the won­der­ful show. It worked out to per­fec­tion that the three of us were there as Car­ol and Nan­cy are huge fans, knew all the play­ers, i.e. dancers, and could enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly ping pong their excite­ment back and forth for the entire evening. I had a great time too, inter­lop­er or no

2010-11-16 So You Think You Can Dance at Staple's Center

And the whole Sta­ples Cen­ter neigh­bor­hood, whoa Nel­ly! Its an excit­ing and throb­bing BIG City ener­gy source. It was worth the trip and price of admis­sion just to walk around in it.

To top off a great night in L.A. what bet­ter than to charge down the matrix of free­ways, favorite tunes blast­ing, miles of bright red tail lights lead­ing us forward.

 Posted by at 7:30 pm
Nov 142010

The day start­ed out warm and clear with Tom rid­ing over around 8:30. He and I rode out the bike­way, through UCSB and on to the end of Hol­lis­ter via Cathe­dral Oaks then back along Hol­lis­ter to the Star­bucks in the Camino Real Mar­ket­place where Ashe bought a low fat turkey giz­mo and an orange juice. We rode back up to Cathe­dral Oaks then stopped at a nice spot to eat our items.

2010-11-14 Great Sunday Riding Bikes

After I got home from the ride and ate lunch I decid­ed to fig­ure out how to mount my NiteRid­er Blow­Torch head­light on my bike. I haven’t used the Blow­Torch in a few years yet I love to ride at night, way past time to get back to it! Jeff and I had been exchang­ing thoughts on such this past week and I final­ly was able to step out­side the box and real­ize that the Blow­Torch han­dle­bar mount could, with a bit of padding, rotate nine­ty degrees and secure­ly mount to the han­dle­bar stem. Then it was only a bit of drilling and saw­ing on some 1″ x 1/8″ alu­minum and, vio­la, the ‘Torch was all ready for a test ride in the dark.

2010-11-14 Great Sunday Riding Bikes

I wait­ed as long as I could then left the house a lit­tle after 5, first rid­ing over to Tom’s to drop off some things he’d lent me then on down to the end of the wharf where I took this shot.

2010-11-14 Great Sunday Riding Bikes

I returned home via Shore­line (real­ly dark now), over to Hendry’s Beach for a nigh­t­ime view of the ocean, and up Las Posi­tas. A won­der­ful ride at each end of the day, it does­n’t get much bet­ter than this.

 Posted by at 6:21 pm
Aug 252010
Muzita Abyssinian Bistro in San Diego

Won­der­ful din­ner at the Muzi­ta Abyssin­ian Bistro in San Diego

Here I am with Bob and Michele, my broth­er-in-law and sis­ter, shar­ing a fan­tas­tic Ethiopi­an din­ner treat in San Diego. Note the lack of table­ware and the lim­it­ed num­ber of plates, i.e. ONE! Its all shared and done with the hands, very fun.

After our leisure­ly feast we went on to see “The Last Romance” play in the Sheryl and Har­vey White The­atre of the Old Globe Com­plex. Anoth­er great evening brought to me by Bob and Michele, thank you.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm
Aug 192010

Anoth­er great out­ing with Phyl­lis as we accom­pa­nied Car­ol to the Beach­side Cafe at Hendry’s Beach to watch her move from image one to image four in just 56 min­utes. Still cel­e­brat­ing the won­der vis­it to UCLA last week she want­ed an entire lob­ster to help keep the ball rolling. As we see in image four the cat def­i­nite­ly got the canary and fin­ished it!

 Posted by at 12:30 pm
Aug 062010

August 6, 2010: A fun and unexpected ride thru some Fiesta Parade Artifacts

It was around 12:45 p.m. and I was play­ing around on my com­put­er here in the cap­sule when I real­ized that I was hun­gry. So I decid­ed to jump on my trusty bicy­cle and head off on one of my two reg­u­lar lunch rides, to Stack­y’s in Summerland.

I had for­got­ten that it was Fies­ta Parade time so was hap­pi­ly sur­prised to find my ride down Castil­lo to be a fun filled adven­ture pass­ing parade entries return­ing to Per­sh­ing Park via Castil­lo. Click on the above image to see more of it, cour­tesy of the cam­era in my iPhone. When I final­ly got to Stack­y’s I ordered a Fies­ta Wrap. Could I have got­ten any­thing else?

Inter­est­ing fac­toid over­heard as I biked past the parade announc­ers down on Cabril­lo: Mex­i­co held rights to Alta Cal­i­for­nia for only 25 years. Back to you, Chet.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm
Aug 022010

Mt. Pinos hike August 2, 2010

Car­ol, Mar­garet, Ralph, and Ashe (TUS) along with Vir­ginia spent the day on Mount Pinos find­ing flow­ers, chat­ting, lunch­ing, and hiking.

Vir­ginia and Ralph arrived at Ashe’s at 9:00 a.m. where we piled into the Vol­vo and drove down the hill to pick up Car­ol then on to Carpin­te­ria to get Mar­garet on board. We decid­ed to dri­ve south on Hwy. 101, in on Hwy. 126 to Inter­state 5, then up to the Mount Pinos exit. A short stop at a Sub­way for Ashe to grab a turkey sand­wich and tank up then it was on task, i.e. off chas­ing flowers.

We end­ed up at the 8,300 foot park­ing lot where we had a nice hike into an adjoin­ing mead­ow then stopped for a shared lunch before hik­ing on up to the 8,800′ sum­mit of the moun­tain with lots of botan­i­cal stops and vis­it­ing along the way.

Our return dri­ve was quite spec­tac­u­lar, through Lock­wood Val­ley to Hwy. 33 then down to the edge of Ojai before skirt­ing Lake Casitas on Hwy. 150 and on into Carpin­te­ria to drop Mar­garet off before head­ing to San­ta Bar­bara, arriv­ing home around 7:45 p.m.

To see a slide show of our won­der­ful day click on the image above.

 Posted by at 9:00 am